Application For Renewal Of An International Or Experimental Broadcast Station License {311} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 
Application For Renewal Of An International Or Experimental Broadcast Station License {311} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/2/2006

Application For Renewal Of An International Or Experimental Broadcast Station License {311}

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I File No. I. Name of applicant (See Instruction D) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION I I APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF AN INTERNATIONAL, OR Street Address EXPERIMENTAL BROADCAST STATION LICENSE City State ZIP Code 2. Name and address of person to whom communications should be sent, INSTRUCTIONS if different from item I B. Repere m algd and two copies Of tM fam md all exhm wih lhe Federal Comrnulbtlma Commiaeion. Wsshindon, D.C. 20554. City State ZIP Code C. Number exhibits serially in the space provided in the body of the form Telephone (include Area Code) and list each exhibit in the space provided on page 3 of this form. Date each exhibit. D. The name of the applicant must be stated exactly as it appears on the 3. Renewal requested for following facilities current license. I Type of station (See instructions) I Call sign I E. Information called for by this application which isalready on file with the Commission need not be refiled in this application provided (I) the information is now on file in another application or FCC form filed by Transmitter Location or on behalf of this applicant: (2) the information is identified fully by reference to the file number (if any), the FCC form number, and the fil- ing date of the application or other form containing the information and the page or paragraph referred to, and (3) after making the refer- ence, the applicant states: "No change since date of filing." Any such Frequency Antenna input power reference will be considered to incorporate into this application all information, confidentisl or otherwise. contained in the application or other form referred to. The incorporated application or other form will thereafter. in its entirety, be open to the public. F. This application shall be personally signed by the applicant, if the 4. When reference is made lo information filed in prior application (see applicant is an individual; by one of the partners. if the applicant is a instruction E), give proper reference: partnership; by an officer, if the applicant is a corporation; by a mem- Paragraph No. File or Form No. Date Filed ber who is an officer. if the applicant is an unincorporated association; by suchdulyelected orappointed officialsas may becompetent todoso under the laws of the applicablejurisdiction, if the applicant is aneligi- ble govanm entity; or by the applicants attorney in case of the applicants physical disability or of her/ his absence from the United States. The attorney shall, in the event she/ he signs for the applicant, separately set forth the reason why the application is not signed by the applicant. In addition. if any matter is stated on the basis of the attor- neys belief only (rather than knowledge) she/ he shall separately set forth her/ his reasons for believing that such statements are true. G. BE SURE ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION IS FURNISHED AND ALL PARAGRAPHS ARE FULLY ANSWERED. IFANY PORTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE NOT APPLICABLE, SPECIFICALLY SO STATE. DEFECTIVE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS MA Y BE RETURNED WITHOUTCONSIDER- A TION. Have there been any substantial changes in Yes 0 No 0 the information incorporated in this application by reference in this paragraph? American LegalNet, Inc. <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2*. SECTION I -. (X yes or no) Yes No - 9. Are there any documents, instruments, contracts or understandings relating to ownership, management, use or con- trol of the station or facilities, or any right or interest therein? (If Yes, attach as EXHIBIT - copies of all such documents, instruments or contracts and state the substance of oral contracts or understandings.) 10. Attach as EXHIBIT - a complete report of experimentation conducted during the present license period including therein the number of hours of operation, full data on research and experimentation conducted including the type of transmitting and studio (if any) equipment used and their mode of operation, data on expense of research and operation during the period covered, data on anj measurements, tests, or observations conducted and description of the apparatus employed, estimated degree of public participation (solicited or unsolicited), complete details of any reported interference and steps taken to eliminate such interference, conclusions, 1 tentative and final, program for further research experimentation requiring additional time and estimate of additional time require to complete the experimentation and terminate operation, and full details of developments and major changes in equipment. (Not rc quired of International Broadcast Stations.) WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM Signed by ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT. U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001. ritle 1 t FCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT THE solicitation of personal information requested in this application is authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. THE principal purpose for which the information will be used is to determine if the benefit requested is consistent with the pubic interest. THE staff, consisting variously of attorneys, accountants, engineers, and application examiners, will use the information to deter- mine whether the application should be granted, denied, dismissed, or designated for hearing. IF all the information requested is not provided, the application may be returned without action having been taken upon it or its processing may be delayed while a request is made to provide the missing information. Accordingly, every effort should be made to pro- vide all necessary information. THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, P.L. 93-579, DECEMBER 31, 1974,5 U.S.C. 552a(eX3). THIS REQUEST IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1980, P.L. 96-511, DECEMBER 11. 1980.44 U&C. 3507. FCC 31 1 -Page 2 June 1985 American LegalNet, Inc.<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 -- msL * SECTION I EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form: 3xhibit Nc Paragraph Numbei Name of officer or employee (1) by whom or (2) under Official title requiring Exhibit whose direction exhibit was prepared (show which) FCC 31 1 - Page 3 June 1985 American LegalNet, Inc.<<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION SECTIONVI I -I - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY NAME OF APPLICANT CALL SIGN CITY AND STATE WHICH STATION IS LICENSED TO SERVE Broadcast station licensees are required to

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