Last updated: 12/18/2018
Order Dissolving Temporary Injunction {12.940(e)}
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No.:002 Division:002 ,002 Petitioner,002 and002 ,002 Respondent.002 ORDER DISSOLVING TEMPORARY INJUNCTION Upon Petitioners Respondents motion and after hearing, the Court, being fully advised in the premises, ORDERS that the temporary injunction entered on {date} in the above-styled case is hereby dissolved. DONE AND ORDERED in , Florida, on {date} . CIRCUIT JUDGE I certify that a copy of {name of document} was ( ) mailed ( ) faxed and mailed ( ) e-mailed ( ) hand-delivered to the parties and any other person(s) or entities listed below on {date} : By Clerk of Court, Designee, or Judicial Assistant Petitioner (or his or her attorney) Respondent (or his or her attorney) U.S. Department of State s Issues CA/OCS/CI Washington, D.C. 20520 Fax (202) 736-9133 preventabduction@state.gov Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.940(e), Order Dissolving Temporary Injunction (03/15) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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