Adult Abuse-Stalking Petition For Order Of Protection {AA40} (Bosnian) | | Missouri

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Adult Abuse-Stalking Petition For Order Of Protection {AA40} (Bosnian) |  | Missouri

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Adult Abuse-Stalking Petition For Order Of Protection {AA40} (Bosnian)

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IN THE _____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, ____________________________, MISSOURI Adult Abuse/Stalking Petition for Order of Protection KOD _____ NADLEZNOG OKRUZNOG SUDA, ____________________________, MIZURI Zlostavljanje/uhoenje odraslih, podnesak za nalog za zastitu Notice to Petitioner: Respondent will receive a copy of this petition with service. Obavijest podnosiocu: Tuzenik e primiti kopiju ovog podneska urucenjem. Judge or Division: Sudija ili odjel: Case Number: Broj predmeta: Court ORI Number: ORI broj suda: MSHP number: MSHP broj: Responsible Law Enforcement ORI: ORI odgovornih za provedbu zakona: Related Cases: Povezani predmeti: Respondent's Home Address: Adresa prebivalista tuzenika: Home Phone Number: Broj telefona kui: Respondent's Work Address: Adresa tuzenika na poslu: Work Phone Number: Broj telefona na poslu: Work Hours: Radno vrijeme: Petitioner: Podnosilac: Vs. naspram Respondent: Tuzenik: Alias/Nicknames: Pseudonim/nadimci: Respondent's DOB: Datum roenja tuzenika: Age: Dob SSN (if known, last four digits): SSN (ako je poznato, zadnje cetiri cifre): Race: Sex: F Rasa Spol: Z Hair Color: Height: Boja kose Visina Eye Color: Weight: Boja ociju Tezina: (Identifying information for use by Law Enforcement) (Identifikacijske informacije za upotrebu od institucija za provedbu zakona) (Date File Stamp) (Pecat s datumom podnosenja) M M Other Locations Where Respondent May Be Served:: Druge lokacije gdje se moze izvrsiti urucenje tuzeniku: Visible Identifying Marks (e.g. tattoos, birthmarks, braces, mustache, beard, pierced ear, glasses): Vidljivi identifikacijski znakovi (npr. tetovaze, mladezi, proteze, brkovi, brada, probuseno uho, naocale): Petitioner's Relationship to Respondent pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §§ 921(a)(32) and 922(g)(8) determination: Veza izmeu podnosioca i tuzenika u skladu sa odredbom 18 U.S.C. §§ 921(a)(32) i 922(g)(8): Spouse Child(ren) in common Supruznik Zajednicko/a dijete(djeca) Former spouse Intimate residing/resided together Bivsi supruznik Intimni zajednicki boravak Are/were in a continuing social relationship of a romantic/intimate nature Jesu/bili su u kontinuiranoj drustvenoj vezi romanticne/intimne prirode Related by blood. Define relationship: Krvno srodstvo. Definisite vezu: Related by marriage. Define relationship: Bracna veza. Definisite vezu: Residing/resided together; no intimacy Stanuju/stanovali zajedno; bez intimne povezanosti Stalking. Define relationship: Uhoenje. Definisite vezu: OSCA (08-13) AA40 (ASPO) 1 od 8 455.010, 455.030, 455.030.3 RSMo American LegalNet, Inc. I. 1. 2. I am Petitioner and Ja sam podnosilac i PETITIONER INFORMATION INFORMACIJE O PODNOSIOCU under 17 but emancipated manje od 17 godina ali sam emancipiran/a at least 17 years of age imam najmanje 17 godina I reside in _______________________________________________ (city), ______________________________ (state), in the County of _____________________________. Moje prebivaliste je u ____________________________________________ (grad), __________________________ (drzava), u regiji _____________________________. II. 3. 4. Respondent is Tuzenik ima RESPONDENT INFORMATION INFORMACIJE O TUZENIKU under 17 manje od 17 godina at least 17 years of age or emancipated najmanje 17 godina ili je emancipiran/a Respondent may be found in ________________________________________ (city), ________________________ (state), in the County of _____________________________. Tuzenik se moze pronai u ________________________________________ (grad), ________________________ (drzava), u regiji _____________________________. III. 5. LOCATION WHERE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OR STALKING OCCURRED LOKACIJA GDJE SE DESILO NASILJE U PORODICI ILI UHOENJE An act of domestic violence or stalking occurred at ___________________________________________________ (address), _______________________________ (city), _____________ (state), in the County of __________________________. Cin nasilja u porodici ili uhoenja se desio u _________________________________________________________ (adresa), _______________________________ (grad), _____________ (drzava), u regiji ______________________________. OSCA (08-13) AA40 (ASPO) 2 od 8 455.010, 455.030, 455.030.3 RSMo American LegalNet, Inc. IV. Relationship with Respondent Veza s tuzenikom 6. COMPLETE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PETITION ONLY POPUNITE SAMO ZA PODNESAK ZA NASILJE U PORODICI Respondent and I: (check one or more) Tuzenik i ja: (oznaci jedno ili vise) reside together. stanujemo zajedno. previously resided together at ________________________________________________________________ (address), _________________________________________________ (city), _____________________________ (state),in the County of _______________________________________. ranije smo stanovali zajedno u ________________________________________________________________ (adresa), _________________________________________________ (grad), _____________________________ (drzava), u regiji _______________________________________. never resided together. nikada nismo stanovali zajedno. Residency Stanovanje 7. The residence in which I live is: (check one or more) Prebivaliste u kojem ja zivim je: (oznaci jedno ili vise) jointly owned, leased or rented or jointly occupied by Respondent and me. u zajednickom vlasnistvu, pod zakupom ili iznajmljeno ili zajednicki zauzimamo tuzenik i ja. owned, leased, rented or occupied by me. u mom vlasnistvu, ja ga zakupljujem, unajmljujem ili zauzimam. jointly owned, leased, rented or occupied by me and someone other than Respondent. u zajednickom vlasnistvu, ja i neko drugi ko nije tuzenik ga zakupljujemo, unajmljujemo ili zauzimamo. owned, leased, rented or occupied by someone else, and Respondent is my spouse. neko drugi je vlasnik, zakupljuje, unajmljuje ili zauzima, a tuzenik je moj supruznik. jointly occupied by me and another person, and Respondent has no property interest therein. ja i druga osoba smo zajednicki vlasnici, a tuzenik nema vlasnicki interes u tome. OSCA (08-13) AA40 (ASPO) 3 od 8 455.010, 455.030, 455.030.3 RSMo American LegalNet, Inc. Custody Starateljstvo List only the children that the Petitioner and Respondent have in common. The court cannot change custody if a prior order regarding custody is pending or has been made. Navedite samo zajednicku djecu koju podnosilac i tuzenik imaju. Sud ne moze mijenjati starateljstvo ako je raniji nalog u vezi starateljstva u toku ili je ve sacin

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