Last updated: 5/30/2006
Motion To Deposit Invested Funds With The Court
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Reset Button IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KANSAS PLAINTIFF(S), vs. CASE NO. REGISTRY NO. DEFENDANT(S). MOTION TO DEPOSIT INVESTED FUNDS WITH THE COURT Pursuant to Rule 67 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the moves the Court for an order authorizing the deposit into the Registry of the court in the amount of $ which represents The Clerk is hereby Ordered to deposit the funds in a money market account or other instrument, due to at the prevailing rate of interest at a federally approved financial institution. The initial investment is subject to the collateral provisions of Treasury Circular 176. The clerk shall deduct the administrative registry fee, set by the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts at ten percent of the interest earned or as indicated based on the amount and time of deposit into the court, without further order of the court. Said fee is authorized by the Judicial Conference of the United States. Dated this day of , 2006 . (Attorney Signature) (Rev. 6/00) American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com