Last updated: 3/30/2016
Landlord Tenant Hearing Notice
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Toledo Municipal Court Civil Bailiff Department TO: FROM: Landlords Toledo Municipal Court Civil Bailiffs 555 North Erie Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 419-245-1915 www.toledomunicipalcourt.org We are required by law to make personal or residence service by posting on the door. You must provide us access if you want an eviction. Does your apartment or building have an outside security door? YES NO Is the apartment number and address clearly marked? YES NO Who do we contact for access? Name: Telephone Number: Please provide Plaintiff's e-mail address: If judgment is granted for the plaintiff and you continue through the eviction process, the Civil Bailiff Department will give you possession of your property at the conclusion of the eviction. It will then be the responsibility of your former tenant to safeguard and collect their personal property within the next 24 hours. After 24 hours, it becomes your responsibility to clean up and remove any remaining items left by your former tenant. The Department of Public Service will be notified of your eviction, and will be sending an inspector to inspect the site 24 hours after the eviction. If the property fails to pass inspection, the inspector will order the property to be cleaned up by the Department of Public Service, and you will be billed. Please note the Department of Public Service may deem the eviction site a nuisance and order the site to be cleaned up prior to the 24 hour period, as noted above. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com TOLEDO MUNICIPAL COURT 555 N. Erie Street Toledo, Ohio 43604 CASE NUMBER _____________________________________ PLAINTIFF/LANDLORD _____________________________________ DEFENDANT The above captioned matter is set for hearing on ________________________ at 1:30 P.M., Courtroom #9, 3rd Floor. If you have filed for a second cause of action on the eviction, your answer date is 28 days from the date of service. ___________________________________ PLAINTIFF/LANDLORD American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com