Last updated: 8/16/2006
Notification Of Receipt Of Demand By Competent International Preliminary Examining Authority {PCT-IPEA-402}
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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY From the INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINING AUTHORITY To: PCT NOTIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF DEMAND BY COMPETENT INTERNATIONAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINING AUTHORITY (PCT Rules 59.3(e) and 61.1(b), first sentence and Administrative Instructions, Section 601(a)) Date of mailing (day/month/year) Applicant's or agent's file reference IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION International filing date (day/month/year) Priority date (day/month/year) International application No. Applicant 1. The applicant is hereby notified that this International Preliminary Examining Authority considers the following date as the date of receipt of the demand for international preliminary examination of the international application: _____________________________________________ 2. That date of receipt is: the actual date of receipt of the demand by this Authority (Rule 61.1(b)). the actual date of receipt of the demand on behalf of this Authority (Rule 59.3(e)). the date on which this Authority has, in response to the invitation to correct defects in the demand (Form PCT/IPEA/404), received the required corrections. 3. ATTENTION: That date of receipt is after the expiration of 19 months from the priority date. Consequently, in respect of some Offices, the demand does not have the effect of postponing the entry into the national phase until 30 months from the priority date (or later in some Offices) (Article 39(1)) and the acts for entry into the national phase must therefore be performed within 20 months from the priority date (or later in some Offices). However, in respect of some other Offices, the time limit of 30 months (or later) may nevertheless apply. See the Annex to Form PCT/IB/301 and, for details about the applicable time limits, Office by Office, see the PCT Applicant's Guide, Volume II, National Chapters and the WIPO Internet site. (If applicable) This notification confirms the information given by telephone, facsimile transmission or in person on: ___________________________________________ 4. Only where paragraph 3 applies, a copy of this notification has been sent to the International Bureau. Name and mailing address of the IPEA/ Authorized officer Facsimile No. Form PCT/IPEA/402 (April 2002; reprint January 2004) Telephone No. American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com