Protection Order (Protection From Abuse Act) {C-3} | | Alabama

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Protection Order (Protection From Abuse Act) {C-3} |  | Alabama

Last updated: 11/30/2016

Protection Order (Protection From Abuse Act) {C-3}

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PROTECTION ORDER (Protection from Abuse Act) § 30-5-1, et seq., Ala. Code 1975 State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form C-3 (Page 1 of 3) Rev. 1/2016 Case No._____________________________________________________________ In the Circuit Court of ________________________________County, Alabama For Cases Filed on or After January 1, 2016 Amended Order PLAINTIFF (Victim) Date of Birth (DOB) of Plaintiff (Victim) Other Protected Persons(s) [List Name(s) and DOB(s)]: and any minor(s) on whose behalf the Petition for Protection from Abuse was filed [List Name(s) and DOB(s)]: V. DEFENDANT Last Relationship to Victim: Former-Spouse Common-Law Marriage Former Common-Law Marriage Child in Common Current or Former Dating Relationship Current or Former Household Member Relative of Current or Former Household Member: Parent Stepparent Child Stepchild Defendant's Home Address & Telephone #: DEFENDANT IDENTIFIERS SEX EYES RACE HAIR DOB HT WT DISTINGUISHING FEATURES STATE TAG# EXP. DATE DRIVER'S LICENSE # VEHICLE _________________________ __________________________________________________ Hands, Feet, Fist Weapon Present on the Property Other:___________________________________ CAUTION: WEAPONS INVOLVED: THE COURT HEREBY FINDS: That it has jurisdiction over the parties and matter under the laws of the state and that reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard was given to the person against whom the order is sought sufficient to protect the person's right to due process. Additional findings of this Court follow on succeeding pages. THE COURT HEREBY ORDERS (Check all that apply): That the above-named Defendant is enjoined from threatening to commit or committing acts of abuse as defined in the Protection from Abuse Act. That the above-named Defendant is restrained from any contact with the Additional terms of this order follow on succeeding pages. That the above-named Defendant is restrained from harassing, stalking, or threatening the Plaintiff, and/or child(ren); and/or any designated person to wit:___________________________ or engaging in other conduct that would place the person(s) in reasonable fear of bodily injury. ; or The terms of this order shall be effective until further order of the Court. THIS ORDER IS VALID AND ENFORCEABLE IN ALL COUNTIES IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS MAY USE THEIR ARREST POWERS PURSUANT TO SECTION 15-10-3 TO ENFORCE THE TERMS OF THE INJUNCTION. Plaintiff, and/or child(ren). NOTICE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT This Order shall be enforced, even without registration, by courts and any law enforcement officer of any state, the District of Columbia, any U.S. territory, and may be enforced by Tribal lands (18 U.S.C.A. Section 2265). This Order shall be enforced, even without registration, by the courts and any law enforcement officer of any State, the District of Columbia, any U.S. territo-ry, and may be enforced by Tribal lands (18 U.S.C.A. Section 2265). Crossing state, territorial, or tribal boundaries to violate this Order may result in pen-alties, including federal imprisonment (18 U.S.C.A. Section 2262). Federal law provides penalties for possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving any firearm or ammunition while subject to a qualified protection order or after being convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence [18 U.S.C.A. Sections 922(g)(8) and 922(g)(9)]. Section 13A-11-72(a) provides that it is a Class C felony for a person convicted in the State of Alabama or elsewhere of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence or subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse to own a firearm or have one in his or her posses-sion or under his or her control. This Order is also enforceable on U.S. Department of Defense installations (10 U.S.C.A. Section 1561a). A violation of this Order is a Class A misdemeanor. Section 13A-6-142, Ala. Code 1975. Original-Court Record WARNINGS TO DEFENDANT: ONLY THE COURT CAN CHANGE THIS ORDER Copy-Law Enforcement Copy-Plaintiff Copy-Defendant Judge's Initials: American LegalNet, Inc. PROTECTION ORDER (Protection from Abuse Act) § 30-5-1, et seq., Ala. Code 1975 State of Alabama Unified Judicial System Form C-3 (Page 2 of 3) Rev. 1/2016 Case No._____________________________________________________________ In the Circuit Court of __________________________________County, Alabama Amended Order FINDINGS OF THE COURT (Continued from Page One) (Check all that apply): child(ren) of the Plaintiff ; and/or any designated family or household member, to wit: ______________________________________________. THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS THAT (Check all that apply): (1) . (2) The Defendant is restrained and enjoined from harassing, stalking, annoying, contacting threatening or engaging in conduct that would any designated perchildren of the Plaintiff. property; place of any any designated person's , toordered to stay away from the Plainplace the following in reasonable fear of bodily injury, the: Plaintiff; and/or child(ren) of the Plaintiff ; and/or the Plaintiff and/or school; and/or school; and/or the Plaintiff or the Plantiff's son, to-wit: _________________________________________, or from employment; school; and/or the child(ren)'s: residence; (3) The Defendant is restrained and enjoined from having physical or violent contact with: wit:________________________________; residence; place of employment; place of employment; specified place, as designated below which the court determines the Defendant has no legitimate reason to frequent, frequented by: tiff ; and/or child(ren); and/or any designated person. Name(s) and location(s) of the other specified place(s): ______________________________. The Defendant is ordered to not go within _________ feet (minimum of 300 feet) of the Plaintiff's residence even if the residence is shared with the Plaintiff. The Defendant is ordered to not go within ________ feet (minimum of 300 feet) of the Plaintiff's school; and/or place of employment; and /or the child(ren)'s school; and/or place of employment; and/or any designated person's, to-wit: __________________________________________________________ school and/or place of employment. (4) Temporary custody of the child(ren) of the parties is hereby awarded to: _______________________________________________. (5) The Defendant is enjoined from interfering with the Plaintiff's efforts to remove any of the Plaintiff's child(ren) or from removing any children from the jurisdiction of the court. I direct __

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