Note For Trial Setting | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

 Washington   Local County   Jefferson   Superior Court 
Note For Trial Setting | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Washington

Last updated: 11/29/2006

Note For Trial Setting

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Superior Court of Washington County of Jefferson No. __________________________ _____________________________________, Plaintiff/Petitioner vs. (Clerk's Action Required) _____________________________________, Defendant/Respondent NOTE FOR TRIAL SETTING (NTTRS) TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT AND TO: Please take notice that this case will be placed on the trial setting docket for assignment of trial on Friday, the day of , 20 at 1:00 civil or 2:00 domestic. 1. Nature of Case: 2. A Jury has been demanded 12 person hours 3. Estimated length of trial: 4. Preferred trial dates: 5. Dates unavailable for trial: 6. Case may be heard by a judge pro tem Yes 7. Visiting Judge Required: Yes 8. Mandatory Settlement Conference Required: Yes 6 person No No No has not been demanded days. CHECK APPROPRIATE SQUARES: I have contacted all counsel and they agree the trial may be set anytime after (date). I have contacted all counsel and am unable to obtain agreement on trial dates. The Court will set the trial date. No contact has been made with other counsel/party, but all have been served with a copy of this notice in time to allow a response within 10 days. I hereby represent to the Court that this case is at issue and should be set for trial. Plaintiff's claim exceeds $50,000.00 Plaintiff seeks relief other than a money judgment. Defendant's counter or cross claim exceeds $50,000.00. Defendant's counter or cross claim seeks relief other than a money judgment. Any party not in agreement with the information or estimates given in Note for Trial Setting shall file and serve at least (3) days prior to the trial setting date a counter notice or written objection to setting. If an objection to setting is filed, counsel shall appear on the setting day before the motions judge, to argue the objection. Date: SIGNED Lawyer for: Address: Telephone Number: American LegalNet, Inc.

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