Last updated: 8/27/2018
Deposition Subpoena For Personal Appearance {SUBP-015}
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SUBP-015, DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCE, this form orders a person who is not a party to a case to appear and testify at a deposition (give testimony outside of the court). At the deposition, you will be asked questions under oath. Questions and answers are recorded stenographically at the deposition; later they are transcribed for possible use at trial. You may read the written record and change any incorrect answers before you sign the deposition. You are entitled to receive witness fees and mileage actually traveled both ways. The money must be paid, at the option of the party giving notice of the deposition, either with service of this subpoena or at the time of the deposition. Unless the court orders or you agree otherwise, if you are being deposed as an individual, the deposition must take place within 75 miles of your residence or within 150 miles of your residence if the deposition will be taken within the county of the court where the action is pending. The location of the deposition for all deponents is governed by Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.250. Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California Code of Civil Procedure §§ 2020.310, 2025.220, 2025.230, 2025.250, 2025.620 Government Code, § 68097.1 www.FormsWorkflow.com