Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights) {TPR-1a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

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Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights) {TPR-1a} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 1/4/2007

Summons (Termination Of Parental Rights) {TPR-1a}

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Sec. Serv. Law§ 384-b F.C.A.§ 631 TPR-1a (Summons ­Termination of Parental Rights) (9/2006) FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF In the Matter of the Commitment of Guardianship and Custody pursuant to § 384-b of the Social Services Law of Docket No. SUMMONS (Termination of Parental Rights) CIN # A Child Under the Age of Eighteen Years IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK To: Address: A petition having been filed in this Court, dated the alleging that the above-named child in the care of be committed to the guardianship and custody of of the petition being annexed hereto; day of should , a copy YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before this Court at New York, on , , at o'clock in the noon of that day to show cause why the Court should not enter an order committing the guardianship and custody of the child to the petitioning as provided by law. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that if guardianship and custody of the child are committed to the Petitioner , the child may be adopted with the consent of an authorized agency, without your consent or further notice to you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you have the right to be represented by a lawyer, and if the Court finds that you are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer assigned by the Court. In the event of your default, the Court may hear and determine the petition, as provided by law. Dated: , . By Order of the Court Clerk of the Court American LegalNet, Inc.

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