Request To Add Attorney Or Amend Attorney Information | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

 Massachusetts   Statewide   State District Court   Attorneys 
Request To Add Attorney Or Amend Attorney Information | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Massachusetts

Last updated: 1/19/2007

Request To Add Attorney Or Amend Attorney Information

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REQUEST TO ADD ATTORNEY OR AMEND ATTORNEY INFORMATION in MassCourts, BasCOT-Civil, BasCOT-Criminal & WMS Trial Court of Massachusetts District Court Department IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ATTORNEYS ABOUT THIS FORM ­ PLEASE READ The computerized case processing systems used in some District Court divisions (BasCOT-Civil for civil cases, and either MassCourts, BasCOT-Criminal or WMS for criminal cases) are periodically updated with name and business address information for Massachusetts attorneys sent electronically from the Board of Bar Overseers (BBO). MASSACHUSETTS ATTORNEY INFORMATION. This form permits you to update name or business address information for a Massachusetts attorney on these computer systems until the next electronic update of attorney information is received from the BBO. It is essential that Massachusetts attorneys report address changes to the BBO within 30 days (as required by SJC Rule 4:02), and petitions for name changes to the clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court for Suffolk County, since any changes made by submitting this form will be overridden by the next electronic update of attorney information from the BBO. (In the case of MassCourts, changes made by submitting this form will remain in the system for 14 days and thereafter will be overridden by the next electronic update of attorney information from the BBO.) Attorneys may now report both business and residential address changes to the BBO online at or by fax to the BBO at (617) 728-8856. Please note that these computer systems do not currently record multiple business addresses for an attorney. An attorney's address must be the same as that attorney's business address on file with the BBO. OUT-OF-STATE ATTORNEYS & RULE 3:03 or 3:04 LAW STUDENTS. This form may also be used to add to these computer systems an out-of-state attorney (i.e., one not registered with the Massachusetts BBO) who has been admitted pro hac vice (for a particular case) by a judge, or a law student who represents a party under S.J.C. Rules 3:03 or 3:04. AOTC's Information Services Department will assign these a special number (beginning with the letter "F" for foreign attorneys, and "S" for law students) for use in these systems, in lieu of a Massachusetts BBO number. "F" and "S" listings will not be affected by subsequent BBO updates for Massachusetts attorneys. BBO NO. (required for Massachusetts attorney) ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NO. & STATE (only for out-of-state attorney not registered with Massachusetts BBO) ATTORNEY FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL OR NAME LAST NAME SUFFIX FIRM NAME STREET ADDRESS 1 STREET ADDRESS 2 STREET ADDRESS 3 CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE NO. (with area code) FAX NO. (with area code) E-MAIL ADDRESS Please check one: 9 9 9 9 Amend attorney information. Please amend the above information for an attorney who is already listed in the attorney table in one or more of these computer systems. If admitted in Massachusetts, the attorney has been informed that this change is temporary, and will subsequently be overridden by the next electronic update of attorney information from the BBO. Add newly-admitted Massachusetts attorney. Please add the above Massachusetts attorney who is newly registered or reactivated with the Massachusetts BBO and does not currently appear in the attorney table in one or more of these computer systems. The attorney has been informed that this addition is temporary, and will subsequently be overridden by the next electronic update of attorney information from the BBO. Add new out-of-state attorney. Please add to the attorney table in these computer systems the above out-of-state attorney who is not registered with the Massachusetts BBO and has been permitted by a judge to appear pro hac vice. Add new Rule 3:03 or 3:04 law student. Please add to the attorney table in these computer systems the above law student who is appearing pursuant to S.J.C. Rules 3:03 or 3:04. PHONE COURT EMPLOYEE MAKING REQUEST (required) (with area code) COURT DATE FAXED TO INFO SYSTEMS DEPT. Please FAX completed form to AOTC's Information Services Dept. at rev. 03/06 (617) 725-1404 and then retain for court's records. American LegalNet, Inc.

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