Last updated: 1/19/2007
Request For Debtor To File Federal Tax Information With The Court {10}
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OFFICIAL LOCAL FORM 10 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS In re Chapter Bankruptcy No. Debtor(s) REQUEST FOR DEBTOR TO FILE FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION WITH THE COURT I, ________________________, am a party in interest in the above captioned case, and qualify as such for the following reasons: ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ The tax information designated below cannot be obtained from any other source, and is necessary for the following reasons:___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Accordingly, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 521 (f) (1-4), I hereby request that the Debtor file the following tax information with the Court: _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: _________ Signed:_________________________ Print Name:____________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________ Certificate of Service I hereby certify that on ________________I mailed, by United States Postal Service, postage pre-paid, the Request for Debtor to File Tax Information With the Court on the following non CM/ECF participants: ORDER By the Court ________ The Motion is Denied ________ The Motion is Granted Dated: ____________________ ____________________________________ United States Bankruptcy Judge American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com