Last updated: 3/28/2007
Solicitor Tasting Permit Application
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SOLICITOR TASTING PERMIT INFORMATION · A Solicitor Tasting Permit shall be required for all authorized representatives of alcoholic beverage manufacturers (whether or not licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia) and wine or beer wholesalers, which same permit shall allow the authorized representative to conduct tastings of wine, beer, or spirits within hotels, restaurants, and clubs licensed for on-premises consumption. Authorized representatives must be under contract to conduct such tastings on behalf of the alcoholic beverage manufacturer or wholesaler. The contract must grant the Solicitor Tasting Permit applicant the authority to act as the authorized representative of the manufacturer or wholesaler. The manufacturer or wholesaler named in this Solicitor Tasting Permit application shall be held liable for any violation of Section 4.1-201.1 by its authorized representative. An acknowledgement to that effect must be contained in the contract between the manufacturer/wholesaler and the authorized representative. Employees of alcoholic beverage manufacturers and wine or beer wholesalers are not required to obtain a Solicitor Tasting Permit in order to hold tastings at the direction of their employers. GENERAL TASTING INFORMATION 1. Tastings shall be conducted only by employees of manufacturers or wholesalers or authorized representatives of such manufacturers or wholesalers. In accordance with A 15 of § 4.1-212, authorized representatives must obtain a permit prior to conducting a tasting on behalf of any entity (referred to as the Solicitor Tasting Permit.) Employees or authorized representatives must be present while the tastings are being conducted. No category of alcoholic beverage products may be offered to consumers unless the retail licensee on whose premises the tasting is conducted is licensed to sell that category of alcoholic beverage product. All alcoholic beverage products used in the tasting must be served to the consumer by employees of the retail licensee. The quantity of wine, beer, or spirits provided to any one person during the tasting shall not exceed 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or one-and-one-half ounces of spirits; however, for any spirits tastings, no single sample shall exceed one-half ounce of spirits per product offered and no more than three spirits products may be offered to any one patron. All alcoholic beverage products used in the tasting must be purchased from the retail licensee on whose premises the tasting is being conducted except that no more than $100 may be expended by or on behalf of any such manufacturer or wholesaler at any retail licensed premises during any 24-hour period. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and their authorized representatives shall keep complete records of each tasting authorized by this section for a period of not less than two years, which records shall include the date and place of each tasting conducted and the dollar amount expended by the manufacturer, wholesaler, or his agent or representative in the purchase of the alcoholic beverages used in the tasting. Manufacturers and wholesalers shall be held liable for any violation of this section committed by their employees or authorized representative in connection with their employment or representation at any tasting event. SOLICITOR TASTING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS · · · Type or print legibly with black ink. Answer questions completely and accurately. Have certification statement notarized. Mail or deliver the completed application and a copy of any related contract(s) with appropriate fee(s)* to: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control License Records Management 2901 Hermitage Rd PO Box 27491 Richmond VA 23261-7491 · · · · 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. · Upon receipt of the completed application, required fees, and copy of related contract(s), the application will be processed and a permit will be forwarded to the applicant. An additional permit must be obtained by the authorized representative for each manufacturer/wholesaler represented. A copy of the permit must be carried by the employee of the permittee and must be presented to ABC Agents and other law enforcement personnel upon request. *See fee on reverse side of form. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com APPLICATION FOR SOLICITOR TASTING PERMIT APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name__________________________________________________________________________ (If Authorized Representative is a company, enter company name above. If in business as an individual, enter individual name.) Street Address___________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________State____________________ Zip________________ Telephone No__________________Fax No________________FEIN or SSN ________________________ (Enter Federal Employer Identification or Social Security Number) Company Email_________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS FOR PERMIT & YEARLY RENEWAL BILL Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State____________________________Zip_________________ COST OF PERMIT Solicitor Tasting Permit (Wine, Beer and Distilled Spirits) Fee Amount Submitted__________________ There is a $50 annual fee for this permit, which will run one year from the date of issuance. A renewal bill will be sent yearly thereafter until deactivation. MANUFACTURER/WHOLESALER TO BE REPRESENTED The applicant is an authorized representative and under contract to conduct tastings for the below manufacturer or wholesaler: Company Name_________________________________________________________________________ Street Address___________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________State____________________ Zip________________ ABC License No._____________________Telephone No__________________Fax No________________ (If manufacturer/wholesaler is licensed by the State of VA) SWORN AFFIDAVIT Being duly sworn, the undersigned states as follows: (1) I certify that the contract between the applicant and the alcoholic beverage manufacturer or wholesaler listed above grants to the applicant the authority to act as the authorized representative for the manufacturer/wholesaler. (2) I certify that the aforementioned contract contains an acknowledgment that the alcoholic beverage manufacturer or wholesaler named above shall be