Last updated: 4/18/2007
Final Report For Recycling Projects Indiana Recycling Grant Program {51985}
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Final Report for Recycling Projects Indiana Recycling Grant Program State Form 51985 (11-04) Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Pollution Prevention and Technical Assistance RECYCLING GRANT PROGRAM 402 West Washington Street, W041 P.O. Box 7095 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7095 Internet: http://www.in.gov/idem/resources/ grants_loans/recycling/ INSTRUCTIONS: The Report Form is designed to satisfy standard grant reporting requirements. Grantee should consult Exhibit B. of their grant agreement for additional reporting requirements. Attach additional sheets if necessary and label attachments according to the number of the final report question. SECTION 1 Date: Grantee: Person Completing Report: SECTION 2 1) Please provide a summary of grant funded activities. GRANT INFORMATION Action Review Number (ARN): REPORT QUESTIONS a) Were the goals outlined in the grant application attained? 2) How has participation been affected by the implementation of the program (e.g., do more households/businesses participate in recycling whether a curbside or drop-off program)? a) Indicate participation rates before and after project implementation. 3) Has the number of tons of collected recyclables increased or decreased? a) Provide increase or decrease in tonnage (e.g., compare tonnage of recyclables collected in last calendar year to the year(s) in which the program was implemented). 4) Education/promotion efforts: Provide an estimate of public impact as a result of this project (e.g., number of students, newspaper circulation, and radio station listener-ship). Include any written materials developed with grant funds. a) Describe the education/promotion efforts that worked best for you and why? 5) If someone wanted to emulate your project, what information would be most helpful? Please outline successes and failures so others can learn from your project. 6) Identify markets materials were shipped to and end uses if known (e.g., commodity or MRF shipped to). 7) Equipment purchases only: How did the grant-funded equipment perform in meeting the goals of the project and expectations in terms of successful operation of the equipment (e.g., did the equipment require excessive maintenance or was considerable down time a problem)? a) Would you recommend the equipment for use in similar projects? b) Has a capital improvement fund been established to address the replacement of the grant-funded equipment after its useful life span, and if so, please provide documentation? American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com c) Provide information about your equipment maintenance plan. d) Provide a description of the equipment purchased, including a serial number or other identification number, the source of equipment, who holds title, the purchase date, and cost of the equipment, and the location, use and condition of the equipment. 8) 9) Provide a program sustainability plan that indicates how you will continue the program without grant funding. Attach a completed Grant Expenditure Report that details all expenditures made during the grant term. 10) Attach documentation of all grant expenditures as required in Section 6. Payment Claim Process in your grant agreement. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com