Last updated: 1/31/2011
Notice Of Hearing
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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SARASSOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR SARASOTA COUNTY, FLORIDA DIVISION: CASE NUMBER: CIVIL PLAINTIFF VS DEFENDANT NOTICE OF HEARING THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN TO: __________________________________________ (NAME) __________________________________________ (ADDRESS) __________________________________________ (CITY/STATE/ZIP) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the undersigned will be present before the Court on ___________________, _________, ________, at __________a.m./p.m. before the Honorable ___________________________________ in Courtroom ______ at ________________________________, _______________________________, _______, FL. (location) (address) (city) The undersigned will ask the Court to grant the following request: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 2 Civil/Hearing.doc Revised 07/10 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY By: ________________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have scheduled this hearing with the Judge's office for the time and date listed; that the original of this document has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. I also certify that a true copy of this document has been forwarded to the party(ies) listed above by hand delivery / mail / fax (circle method of delivery), Dated this ______day of ________________, _________. By: _______________________________________________________________ (Name) _______________________________________________________________ (Address) _______________________________________________________________ (City/State/Zip/Phone) If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Sarasota County Jury Office, P.O. Box 3079, Sarasota, Florida 34230-3079, (941)861-7400, at least seven (7) days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than seven (7) days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Page 2 of 2 Civil/Hearing.doc Revised 07/10 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com DIRECTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE NOTICE OF HEARING FORM 1. FIRST STEP. Before you can complete this form and deliver the Notice of Hearing form to the opposing sides, and file the completed form with the Clerk of Courts, you must first contact the judge's judicial assistant. The judicial assistant will provide you with a date, time, and location for you and the opposing side(s) to appear before the court. You will place the date, time and location for the hearing on the Notice of Hearing form. When you appear before the court, you will ask the judge to hear your motion or request and rule on it. A reasonable amount of time must be given to the other side before the hearing can be heard. An additional 5 days must be included if this form is mailed to the opposing side(s). NOTE: If there is not enough time for the opposing sides(s) to appear/respond, the judge might not grant your motion or request. 2. COMPLETING THE FORM. IMPORTANT! At the top of the Notice of Hearing form, legibly print out the case number, and print the names, address and phone numbers of both sides (Plaintiffs and Defendants). Next, you must legibly print the name and addresses of the opposing side(s) to whom you are serving the Notice of Hearing. If there are multiple parties, you need to include all the opposing side names and addresses. You must legibly print and fill in the date, time and location information for the Hearing that you received from the Judicial Assistant and include the name of the Judge and courtroom number. Fill in the motion or request that you are asking the Judge to grant. Examples include: Eviction Final Hearing, Motion to Determine Amount of Rent to be Deposited into the Court's Registry, Motion for Disbursement of Rent Money in Court Registry, Request for a Continuance, Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment, Motion to Set Aside Dismissal. On the line next to the word "By", sign your name after the phrase: GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. 3. DELIVERY OF NOTICE. In the paragraph under the phrase CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, circle the method you are using to deliver the Notice of Hearing to the opposing side(s). Legibly print the date you are physically delivering, mailing or faxing this form the opposing side(s) and to the Clerk of Court. Include filling in your name, address, city, state, zip code and phone number. After all the information is placed in the blank spaces, make photocopies from the original. Deliver or mail the original of this Notice of Hearing form with any attachments to the Clerk of the Court and to all the parties on the opposing side. Deliver or mail the form on the date you indicated under the Certificate of Service. Clerk of the Court locations are at 2000 Main Street, Sarasota FL 34237 or 4000 South Tamiami Trial, Venice FL 34293. It is IMPORTANT for the judge to know the address(es) where and the date when you provided this Notice to the opposing sides. Bring a copy to the courtroom for your own use. 4. THE HEARING. Appear before the court at the appropriate time, date and location in order to present any evidence and/or argument you might have as to the matters set forth in your motion or request. NOTE: DO NOT LEAVE ANY BLANK SPACES ON THE NOTICE OF HEARING FORM. The opposing side (or sides) has a right to know what you are asking the court to do, and a right to have an opportunity to be present and be heard. Therefore you must advise the opposing side(s) where and when you will be present in the courtroom before the judge. Civil/Hearing.doc Revised 07/10 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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