Last updated: 4/27/2007
No-Cause Termination Notice To Vacate Pursuant To NRS 40.251(1) {1}
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NO-CAUSE TERMINATION NOTICE TO VACATE NRS 40.251(1) TO: ______________________________________ (Tenant) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Date of Service: _____________________________ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that you must surrender and vacate the rental unit located at: _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ You are entitled to a period of: Seven (7) judicial days1 after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because you are a week-to-week tenant). NRS 40.251(1)(a)(1). _____ 2. Thirty (30) calendar days after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because you have a periodic tenancy which is not week-to-week). NRS 40.251(1)(a)(2). _____ 3. Five (5) judicial days after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because you have a tenancy at will). 40.251(1)(a)(3). NRS _____ 1. 1 "Judicial Days" do not include date of service, weekends or legal holidays. 1 of 5 ©2006 Nevada Supreme Court Revised: April 14, 2006 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com Apartment Landlord Notice No Cause Termination Notice to Vacate Form #1 _____ 4. Seven (7) judicial days after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because your tenancy is subject to Chapter 118A of the Nevada Revised Statutes and your rental agreement will expire or terminate as of ____________________, 20____). NRS 40.251(1)(b)(1)(I). (Applies to week-to-week tenancies.) _____ 5. Thirty (30) calendar days after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because your tenancy is subject to Chapter 118A of the Nevada Revised Statutes and your rental agreement will expire or terminate as of ___________________, 20____). NRS 40.251(1)(b)(1)(II). (Applies to all other periodic tenancies.) _____ 6. Five (5) judicial days after service of this notice to vacate and leave the rental unit (because you have a recreational vehicle lot tenancy, pursuant to NRS 40.215(6), NRS 40.251(1)(d). ATTENTION! If you fail to vacate the rental unit by ______________, 20____, you will be guilty of an unlawful detainer (unlawful possession), and I will start eviction proceedings against you. NOTE: If you are 60 years of age or older, or if you have a physical or mental disability, and your tenancy is not week-to-week, you may make a written request to me to be allowed to continue in possession of the rental unit for an additional 30 days past the time listed on this notice. You must provide me with proof of your age or disability with your written request. If I reject your request, you have the right to petition the court to continue in possession of the rental unit for an additional 30 days. If the court denies your petition, you will be allowed to continue in possession of the rental unit for five (5) calendar days following the date of entry of the order denying the petition. Apartment Landlord Notice No Cause Termination Notice to Vacate Form #1 2 of 5 ©2006 Nevada Supreme Court Revised: April 14, 2006 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com ATTENTION! THIS NOTICE IS BEING GIVEN PURSUANT TO NEVADA If you do not comply with this notice you will be in REVISED STATUTES. unlawful possession of the rental unit, and you will be subject to the eviction procedures contained in NRS 40.254 or NRS 40.290 et seq. Dated this _____ day of ____________________, 20____. ________________________________ Landlord ________________________________ Address ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Signature of Landlord or Duly Authorized Agent ______________________________________ Print Name of Landlord or Duly Authorized Agent Apartment Landlord Notice No Cause Termination Notice to Vacate Form #1 3 of 5 ©2006 Nevada Supreme Court Revised: April 14, 2006 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com AFFIDAVIT/DECLARATION OF SERVICE On __________________, I served the following document: (Date) ______________________________________________________________________ (Name of Document) at the following time ___: _______ AM / PM and in the following manner: _____ 1. By delivering a copy to the tenant(s) personally, in the presence of a witness. (Server, Tenant & Witness Must All Sign). __________________ Signature of Server ____________________ Signature of Tenant ____________________ Signature of Witness __________________ Print Name of Server ____________________ Print Name of Tenant ____________________ Print Name of Witness _____ 2. Because the tenant(s) were absent from their place of residence or from their usual place of business, by leaving a copy with __________________________, a person of suitable age and discretion, at either place and mailing a copy to the tenant(s) at their place of residence or place of business. Certificate of Mailing). (Attach United States Postal Service _____ 3. Because the place of residence or business could not be ascertained, or a person of suitable age or discretion could not be found there, by posting a copy in a conspicuous place on the property, delivering a copy to a person there residing, if the person could be found, and mailing a copy to the tenant(s) at the place where the property is situated. (Attach United States Postal Service Certificate of Mailing). Apartment Landlord Notice No Cause Termination Notice to Vacate Form #1 4 of 5 ©2006 Nevada Supreme Court Revised: April 14, 2006 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com I swear the above is true. Signature:__________________________________ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of _________________, 20____. NOTARY PUBLIC OR DEPUTY CLERK _____________________________ OR THE FOLLOWING: Pursuant to NRS 53.045: "I declare under penalty of perjury under the law of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct." Executed on _____________, 20____ ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Print Name Apartment Landlord Notice No Cause Termination Notice to Vacate Form #1 5 of 5 ©2006 Nevada Supreme Court Revised: April 14, 2006 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com