Report Of The Guardian Of The Adult Person | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

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Report Of The Guardian Of The Adult Person | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Nevada

Last updated: 4/9/2019

Report Of The Guardian Of The Adult Person

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251 2018 Nevada Supreme Court Page 1 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) COURT CODE: Guardian222s Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip: This is a new address: yes / no Phone: home / cell / work Email: Self-Represented DISTRICT COURT COUNTY, NEVADA In the Matter of the Guardianship of the: PersonPerson and Estateof: (name of adult who has a guardian) A Protected Person. CASE NO.: DEPT: REPORT OF THE GUARDIAN OF THE ADULT PERSON through BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATEIf this is your first report, this is the date you were appointed the guardian. If this is a later report, this is the ending date of your last report. The date you sign this form. I, (guardian222s name) , am the Guardian of the above-named Protected Person. My annual report is as follows: General Information 1.The protected person222s birthdate is (date of birth) , andhe / she is currently (age) years old.2.How often have you visited the protected person in the last year? American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) Guardian222s Residency: ( check one)One or both guardians are Nevada residents.Neither guardian is a Nevada resident. ( check one)A registered agent is on file with the Nevada Secretary of State.No resident agent is on file with the Nevada Secretary of State.Guardianship Alternatives: ( check one)I have talked with the protected person about alternatives to guardianship and howhe/she could access such supports that may replace guardianship in the future.I have not talked with the protected person about alternatives to guardianship andhow he/she could access such supports because: (explain why not)Do you believe the protected person still needs a guardian? ( check one) Yes No (Explain why or why not) 6.The protected person222s current address and phone number is: Name of Facility (if applicable) Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone number 7.The address listed above is best described as: ( check one)Living independently in his/her private home, apartment, or condominium. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) Living in in his/her private home, apartment, or condominium with anotherperson or persons. List the names of all individuals living in this home (names ofpeople living there):Living in someone else222s private home, apartment, or condominium. He/shelives with (names): An assisted living facility / supported adult residence / supported livingarrangement.A skilled nursing home.A licensed group home.A medical facility, hospital, or psychiatric facility.A secured perimeter facility.Other (explain): .Is the facility locked? ( check one) Yes or No 8.Do you believe the protected person is happy with the living arrangement? ( checkone) Yes No (Explain why or why not) 9.Appropriateness of Living Arrangement & Residential Supports.( check all that apply)The current placement is appropriate as is.The current placement is appropriate with additional services (list the additionalservices needed) .Once the current medical situation is stable, the protected person will return tohis/her previous residence. This is expected to happen on (estimated date ofreturn): and he/she will return to live at (address). American LegalNet, Inc. Page 4 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) A higher level of care is needed. The protected person should be placed at: (check all that apply)An assisted living facility.A skilled nursing home.A licensed group home.A medical facility, hospital, or psychiatric facility.A secured perimeter facility.Other (explain): . The above option would be a more appropriate placement because (explain) Physical and Mental Health 10.The protected person has the following insurance coverage for medical / dental / mentalhealth services: ( check all that apply)MedicareMedicare Part BMedicaidVA Health BenefitsPrescription Drug Coverage (name of policy): Private Health Insurance (name of policy): Other (explain): 11.The protected person222s physical health is: ( check one)GoodFairPoorDescribe the protected person222s overall physical health and physical limitations: American LegalNet, Inc. Page 5 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) 12.The protected person222s mental health is: ( check one)GoodFairPoorDescribe the protected person222s overall mental health: 13.Medical Services. The protected person receives the following services:( check all that apply) Regular dental visits (complete table below)DentistFrequency Last Appt. Next Appt. Due Regular doctor visits (complete table below)Physician Reason Frequency Last Appt. Next Appt. Due *File any medical records showing any significant health problems with aConfidential Medical / Educational Information Sheet.Home health care every (how often, i.e. 223daily224 223weekly224 223monthly224)Full-time nursing careHospice care American LegalNet, Inc. Page 6 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) 14.Mental Health Services. The protected person receives the following services: ( checkall that apply)Behavioral health visits every (complete table below)Specialist Reason Frequency Last Appt. Next Appt. Due Psychiatric appointments every (complete table below)PsychiatristFrequencyLast Appt. Next Appt. Due 15.List all prescription medication in the table below.MedicationDiagnosis/Reason PhysicianLast Reviewed by Doctor/Psychiatrist American LegalNet, Inc. Page 7 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) 16.Care Needs. The protected person222s personal care needs are:( check all that apply) No assistance is needed in performing activities of daily living.Personal caregivers are needed. Caregivers are needed an average of (number) hours per week. Caregivers provide assistance with the followingactivities of daily living (explain what assistance is provided, such ashousekeeping, bathing, meal preparation, etc.) Assistance with medication is required.24-hour assistance is needed. Medical / Mental Health Needs. The protected person requires the following medical ormental health examinations to determine necessary and/or ongoing treatment needs(describe any medical tests/appointments that are needed):Abuse / Neglect. Has the protected person been abused or neglected in the last year?NoYesDescribe the abuse / neglect and any steps taken to address the abuse / neglect: What agencies were notified of the abuse / neglect? Law Enforcement Elder Protective Services Ombudsman NoneWhat was the outcome of the investigation? American LegalNet, Inc. Page 8 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) Education 19.( check one)The protected person is not enrolled in school.The protected person is enrolled in school. The protected person attends (name ofschool) .*File any report cards with a Confidential Medical/Informational Sheet.20.The protected person had the following accomplishments and/or problems in school lastyear: (Describe or write 223N/A224)Activities & Recreation The protected person222s recreation and social condition is: ( check one)GoodFairPoorThe protected person222s recreation and social activities include: ( check all that apply)Personal Community Activities (i.e. church, library, etc.): Group outings. (Describe) Family gatherings. (Describe) Senior community center events. (Describe) American LegalNet, Inc. Page 9 of 10 226 Annual Report of Guardian (Adult) Work and/or training program. (Describe) Events at assisted living facility or nursing home. (Describe) None. (Describe why the protected person is not participating in any activities) Financial Information 23.( check one)The protected person222s estate is less than $10,000.The protected person222s estate is more than $10,000. The finances are managed by(name of person handling the estate) .*An annual accounting must be filed detailing the estate assets, income, andexpenses.Protected Person222s Wishes Consultation With Protected Person: ( check one)I have talked with the protected person about how he/she would like to be caredfor. The protected person222s wishes are: (explain)I have not talked with the protected person

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