Status Conference-Trial Setting Orders {FL-4} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   San Mateo   Family 
Status Conference-Trial Setting Orders {FL-4} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Status Conference-Trial Setting Orders {FL-4}

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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO PETITIONER: FOR COURT USE ONLY RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: STATUS CONFERENCE / TRIAL SETTING ORDERS At the Conclusion of a judicially supervised Status Conference held on this date, it is ordered as follows: Appearing at conference: Petitioner Respondent Counsel for Petitioner Counsel for Respondent After review of the case, which did did not include a timely filed Status Conference Statement, without a conference, it is ordered as follows: 1. A further Status Conference is scheduled for _____________________(date/time) in Dept. _________ 2. A Mandatory Settlement Conference is scheduled for _________________ (date/time) in Dept. _____ 3. Trial of this case is set as follows: Estimated length of trial:_____________(days/hours). Trial is set for: _________________________________ (date/time) in Dept. ____________ 4. This case is referred to: ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) FCS (Family Court Services) FLF (Family Law Facilitator) Other: ____________________________ 5. A hearing shall be held on _______________________________ (date/time) in Dept. __________ to: Set (temporary) orders regarding: custody/visitation child support spousal support Other: _________________________________________________________________________ 6. This case is to be bifurcated as to the following issues: 7. The following Disclosure pleadings shall be filed:__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Special Orders regarding Discovery are attached hereto. Local Form FL - 4 [Rev.Sept. 2013] STATUS CONFERENCE/TRIAL SETTING ORDER Page 1 of _____ American LegalNet, Inc. PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: 9. Special Orders regarding the Appointment of Experts, Referees, Special Masters, Evaluations, Minor's Counsel, etc. are attached hereto. 10. Sanctions: Proof having been made to the satisfaction of the court that: ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________has/have: failed to appear for scheduled conference Other:_________________________________ _________________________________ The sum of $_____________ is ordered and shall be paid to: ____________________________ stayed pending further order of the Court stayed until the next Status/Mandatory Settlement Conference Unless a Judgment has been entered, this Status Conference/Trial Setting Order shall serve as notice to appear at the next scheduled conference and show cause why the entire case should not be dismissed. Other:________________________________________________________________________ 11. Counsel for Petitioner Respondent must forthwith serve a copy of this order on all counsel of record and self-represented parties. 12. Clerk must mail endorsed-filed copies of this order, with proof of service, to counsel and to selfrepresented parties of record. 13. Other Orders: _________pages are attached and incorporated herein. DATED: ______________ __________________________________________ JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Local Form FL - 4 [Rev.Sept. 2013] STATUS CONFERENCE/TRIAL SETTING ORDER Page 2 of _____ American LegalNet, Inc.

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