Last updated: 5/14/2019
Warrant In Detinue Civil Claim For Specific Personal Property {DC-414}
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FORM DC-414 FRONT 10/18 WARRANT IN DETINUE (CIVIL CLAIM FOR SPECIFIC PERSONAL PROPERTY) Commonwealth of Virginia VA. CODE 247247 16.1-79, 8.01-114, 8.01-121 ...................................................................................................................................................................... General District Court CITYORCOUNTY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ STREET ADDRESS OF COURT TO ANY AUTHORIZED OFFICER: You are hereby commanded to summon the defendant(s). TO THE DEFENDANT(S): You are summoned to appear before this Court at the above address on ............................................................................................................ to answer the Plaintiff(s)222 civil claim (see below) RETURN DATE AND TIME .............................................................. DATE ISSUED[ ] CLERK [ ] DEPUTY CLERK [ ] MAGISTRATE CLAIM: Plaintiff(s) claim the item(s) below to be unjustly withheld from Plaintiff222s possession by Defendant(s). ITEM ALTERNATE VALUE ITEM ALTERNATE VALUE 1.5. 2.6. 3.7. 4.8. $ TOTAL ALTERNATIVE VALUE $ COSTS INTEREST AT THE RATE OF ..................... % $ AMOUNT CLAIMED AS ATTY222S FEES $ DAMAGES CLAIMED DUE TO UNJUST DETENTION Plaintiffs seek possession of the items listed above, or their alternative values, damages resulting from the unjust detention of the items by Defendant(s), attorney222s fee as indicated and interest as indicated. The alternate values given are based upon [ ] actual value [or] [ ] amount due on written contract of sale for which the items were offered as security. THE BASIS OF CLAIM IS: [ ] WRITTEN CONTRACT OF SALE [ ] OTHER (EXPLAIN) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION WAIVED? [ ] YES [ ] NO [ ] cannot be demanded .............................................................. DATE[ ] PLAINTIFF [ ] PLAINTIFF222S ATTORNEY [ ] PLAINTIFF222S EMPLOYEE/AGENT [ ] JUDGMENT that Plaintiff(s) recover against [ ] named Defendant(s) [ ] ............................................................... possession of each item listed above, or its alternate value as shown above, at the election of [ ] Plaintiff(s) [or] [ ] Defendant(s), (if made within ............................... days, then at election of Plaintiff(s)), with the exception of the following item nos. ............................................................................................................................. ($ ................................................ Total Alternate Value Recoverable): $ ........................................................ damages with interest: ................................................................. $ ............................... costs and $ .......................................... attorney222s fee INTEREST RATE AND BEGINNING DATE [ ] and $ .................................................... costs for Servicemember Civil Relief Act counsel fees. Homestead exemption waived? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Cannot be demanded [ ] Judgment for [ ] Named defendant(s) [ ] .......................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ [ ] Non-suit [ ] Dismissed ............................................................................................................................................................. Defendant(s) present? [ ] YES [ ] NO .............................................................. DATEJUDGE CASE NO. ............................................................................................................. PLAINTIFF(S) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL) ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. V. ............................................................................................................. DEFENDANT(S) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL) ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. WARRANT IN DETINUE * * *TO DEFENDANT: You are not required to appear; however, if you fail to appear, judgment may be entered against you. See the additional notice of the reverse about requesting a change of trial location. [ ] To dispute this claim, you must appear on the return date to try this case. [ ] To dispute this claim, you must appear on the return date for the judge to set another date for trial. Bill of Particulars ........................................... ........................... ORDERED DUE Grounds of Defense ....................................... ........................... ORDERED DUE ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF(S) ............................................................................................................. ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT(S) ............................................................................................................. RECEIPT NO.DATE FEE RECEIVED HEARING DATE AND TIME JUDGMENT PAID OR SATISFIED PURSUANT TO ATTACHED NOTICE OF SATISFACTION. ................................................ DATE ................................................ CLERK DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS for loss of hearing, vision, mobility, etc., contact the court ahead of time. American LegalNet, Inc. FORM DC-414 REVERSE 07/04 RETURNS: Each defendant was served according to law, as indicated below, unless not found. NAME ......................................................... ................................................................. ADDRESS .................................................... ................................................................. NAME .............................................................. ...................................................................... ADDRESS ......................................................... ...................................................................... NAME .............................................................. ...................................................................... ADDRESS ......................................................... ...................................................................... [ ] PERSONAL SERVICE Tel. No. .............................. [ ] PERSONAL SERVICE Tel. No. ............................... [ ] PERSONAL SERVICE Tel. No. ................................. Being unable to make personal service, a copy was delivered in the following manner: [ ] Delivered to family member (not temporary sojourner or guest) age 16 or older at usual place of abode of party named above after giving information of its purport. List name, age of recipient, and relation of recipient to party named above. [ ] Posted on front door or such other door as appears to be the main entrance of usual place of abode, address listed above. (Other authorized recipient not found.) [ ] Served on Secretary of the Commonwealth Being unable to make personal service, a copy was delivered in the following manner: [ ] Delivered to family member (not temporary sojourner or guest) age 16 or older at usual place of abode of party named above after giving information of its purport. Li