Last updated: 5/29/2015
Order Appointing Regional Center To Evaluate Proposed Ward Or Conservatee {309}
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309 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO.(Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SOLANO STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: 600 Union Avenue P.O. Caller 5000 Fairfield, CA 94533 CONSERVATORSHIP LIMITED OF THE PERSON ESTATE OF (Name): GUARDIANSHIP ORDER APPOINTING REGIONAL CENTER TO EVALUATE PROPOSED WARD OR CONSERVATEE, APPOINTING COUNSEL FOR PROPOSED WARD OR CONSERVATEE, AND DIRECTING NOTICE CASE NUMBER: 1. A petition has been filed with this Court alleging that the proposed ward or conservatee is: a. b. A developmentally disabled person. A person having dementia. 2. The Court therefore orders as follows: a. The and file a written report pursuant to: i. ii. Regional Center shall prepare, serve, Probate Code section 1827.5, subdivision (a) (petition for appointment of limited conservator for developmentally disabled person). Probate Code section 1461.4, subdivision (a) (petition for appointment of guardian, conservator, or limited conservator for a developmentally disabled person where proposed guardian or conservator (1) is not the parent of the ward or conservatee or a public entity and (2) is a provider of services to the ward or conservatee). Probate Code section 1955 (sterilization of developmentally disabled adult). iii. b. Counsel is appointed for the proposed ward or conservatee as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. The Public Defender is appointed to represent the proposed conservatee pursuant to Probate Code section 2356.5, subsection (f)(1). The Public Defender is appointed to represent the proposed limited conservatee pursuant to Probate Code section 1471, subsection (c). is appointed to represent the proposed conservatee pursuant to Probate Code section 2356.5, subsection (f)(1). is appointed to represent the proposed limited conservatee pursuant to Probate Code section 1471, subsection (c). c. Counsel for Petitioner shall provide such notice as required by Probate Code section 1822 and set the matter for hearing no earlier than sixty (60) days from the date of this Order. It is so ordered. DATE: Judge/Commissioner of the Superior Court ORDER APPOINTING REGIONAL CENTER TO EVALUATE PROPOSED WARD OR CONSERVATEE, APPOINTING COUNSEL FOR PROPOSED WARD OR CONSERVATEE, AND DIRECTING NOTICE Adopted for Mandatory Use Solano County Local Form no. 309 Rev. 07/08 Probate Code §§ 1461.4, 1471, 1822, 1827.5, 1955, 2356.6 Page 1 of 1 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com