Last updated: 12/10/2007
Complaint For Tenant Eviction (Non-Payment Of Rent)
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IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR DESOTO COUNTY, FLORIDA ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Name and Address Plaintiff(s), vs. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Name and Address Defendant(s). COMPLAINT FOR TENANT EVICTION (Non-Payment of Rent) COUNT I Plaintiff sues defendant and alleges: 1. This is an action to evict a tenant from real property in DeSoto County, Florida. This is not a mobile home in a park of ten or more lots/spaces. This is not commercial property. 2. Plaintiff(s) owns the following-described real property, to-wit: _______________ _______________________________________________________________________. 3. That the defendant(s) has possession of the property under (Check one) ___ oral ____ written agreement (copy attached) to pay rent of $__________ per ___________ for a total of $____________. 4. The agreement to pay rent (check one) ___ does ___ does not apply to a mobile home. If mobile home, the agreement covers (check one) ___ mobile home and lot ___ lot only. 5. Defendant(s) failed to pay rent due on ____________________, 20___. CASE NO. ___________________ 6. Plaintiff(s) served defendant(s) with a notice on __________________, 20___, to pay the rent or deliver possession but defendant(s) refuses to do either. A copy of the Notice is attached. 7. Plaintiff(s) (Check one) ___ has ___ has not Notice was delivered. received any payment since the Rev. 08/16/2007 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com WHEREFORE, plaintiff(s) demands judgment for possession of the property against defendant(s). COUNT II Plaintiff(s) sue(s) defendant(s) and alleges: 1. This is an action for damages in the amount of $______________ that is due for rent for the period of _________________, plus any additional rent that may accrue to the time of the hearing for damages, together with court costs. The court may also award physical damages. WHEREFORE, plaintiff(s) demand(s) judgment for damages against defendant(s). __________________________________ Signature of Plaintiff __________________________________ __________________________________ Address Telephone:_________________________ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ________________. SWORN TO and subscribed before me by ___________________________, who is personally known to me or produced _________________________________________ as identification this ______ day of ___________________, ______. ____________________________________ Notary Public or Deputy Clerk Rev. 08/16/2007 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com