Motion To Modify Permanent Protection Order (Stalking Or Physical Injury) {UJS-121G} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Dakota

 South Dakota   Statewide   Protection Orders   Stalking 
Motion To Modify Permanent Protection Order (Stalking Or Physical Injury) {UJS-121G} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | South Dakota

Last updated: 4/2/2008

Motion To Modify Permanent Protection Order (Stalking Or Physical Injury) {UJS-121G}

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STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF ______________ ) ) ) IN CIRCUIT COURT ________________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT , Petitioner, -vs, Respondent TPO NO.____________________ MOTION TO MODIFY PERMANENT PROTECTION ORDER (STALKING OR PHYSICAL INJURY) I am the Petitioner who originally petitioned the Court for a Permanent Protection Order. I am the Respondent and the one against whom the Permanent Protection Order was granted. I am requesting that the Court change certain terms in the Permanent Order of Protection. (Describe what you would like changed in the previous Permanent Order of Protection.) Describe why you want the Permanent Order of Protection changed: On this _______ day of _____________, __________, I swear or affirm under oath that the information I have provided in this Motion to Modify is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I believe I am entitled to the changes I have requested. I am asking for this modification for valid reasons and am not attempting to harass the other party, and am not attempting to abuse or delay the court process or any other legal action. Petitioner Signed and sworn to before me on this day of , . Notary Public/Deputy Clerk of Courts Commission Expires: (SEAL) Form UJS-121G (Stalking Motion to Modify Permanent Order) Rev. 01/07 American LegalNet, Inc.

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