Last updated: 5/5/2008
Land Use Review Application Supplemental Form MM ZM ZR {MM ZM ZR}
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New York City Department of City Planning Land Use Review Application Supplemental Form City Map Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MM APPLICATION NO Proposed City Map Change (Check appropriate boxes) 1. ESTABLISH NEW............. 2. ELIMINATE EXISTING...... STREET STREET PARK PARK WIDTH PUBLIC PLACE PUBLIC PLACE ALIGNMENT GRADE GRADE GRADE 3. CHANGE EXISTING STREET........................ 4. EASEMENT Delineate New......... Remove Existing......... Modify Existing........... ........... 5. RELATED ACQUISITION OR DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Zoning Map Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZM APPLICATION NO (If more than five changes are being requested, enter "see attached" below and list ALL PROPOSED ZONING CHANGES in the same format as below on a separate sheet titled "Proposed Zoning Map Changes") Proposed Zoning Map Change(s) CHANGE #1 FROM: EXISTING TO: PROPOSED TO: CHANGE #2 FROM: EXISTING PROPOSED TO: CHANGE #3 FROM: EXISTING PROPOSED TO: CHANGE #4 FROM: EXISTING PROPOSED TO: CHANGE #5 FROM: EXISTING PROPOSED Zoning Text Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ZR APPLICATION NO. If more than five sections are proposed to be amended, enter "see attached" below, and list ALL PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS in the same format as below on a separate sheet titled "Proposed Zoning Text Amendments.") Affected Zoning Resolution (ZR) Sections ZR SECTION NUMBER ZONING RESOLUTION SECTION TITLE mzr 0505 pdf American LegalNet, Inc.