Last updated: 5/30/2015
Supporting Declaration Attachment To Temporary Guardianship-Guardianship Petition {GR004}
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Guardianship of: Case No: SUPPORTING DECLARATION ATTACHMENT TO TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP/GUARDIANSHIP PETITION Please mark the appropriate box for either Attachment 3 (for Temporary Guardianship) OR Attachment 8 (for Guardianship): ATTACHMENT 3 (ATTACH TO PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY GUARDIAN) SUPPORTING DECLARATION FOR TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP SUPPORTING DECLARATION FOR GUARDIANSHIP ATTACHMENT 8 (ATTACH TO PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP) Use this form to set forth the facts showing the need for a temporary guardian or guardian to care for the child(ren) and why the proposed guardian(s) is/are the appropriate person(s) to care for the child(ren). Also, state who you are and your relationship, if any, to the child(ren): SEE ATTACHED PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATE:___________________ ____________________________ PRINT NAME _____________________________ SIGNATURE GR004 SUPPORTING DECLARATION ATTACHMENT TO TEMPORARY GUARDIANSHIP/GUARDIANSHIP PETITION Rev 1/08 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com