Zoning Application For Administrative Approval Of Entrance Feature (Packet) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

 Florida   Local County   Miami-Dade   Department Of Planning And Zoning 
Zoning Application For Administrative Approval Of Entrance Feature (Packet) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Florida

Last updated: 4/13/2015

Zoning Application For Administrative Approval Of Entrance Feature (Packet)

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APPLICATION FOR ENTRANCE FEATURE Section 33-112 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, provides for administrative decisions on applications for Entrance Features by the Directors of the Miami-Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning and The Public Works Department, and provides for the appeal of such decisions to the Community Zoning Appeals Board, in the manner provided for appeals of administrative decisions [Section (§) 33-311 (c)]. In accordance with §33-84, an Entrance Feature shall be defined as any combination of decorative structures and landscape elements located at the entrance to a development, created with the expressed purpose of identifying or drawing attention to the development and/or exercising control of ingress and egress to the development. An Entrance Feature may include, although not necessarily be limited to, ornamental walls, fences, identifying lettering, logos, works of art, and other decorative structures, earthworks, water bodies, fountains, trees, paintings, and other landscape elements, as well as gate houses, either singly or in any combination thereof. Applications for Entrance Features may be filed by appointment only, with the Zoning Administrative Review Section of the Department of Planning and Zoning. Call (305) 375-2640 for an appointment. A separate application is required for each Entrance Feature on the site. Applications for Entrance Features should include: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) A letter of intent A completed Entrance Feature application An executed maintenance agreement after application is approved by Plat Committee An executed removal agreement, if in the right-of-way An executed Opinion of Title and applicable Joinder(s) by Mortgagee An accurately dimensioned site plan, identifying all structures and landscaping incorporated in the entrance feature, identifying all setbacks, spacing and elevations of the same, and identifying all existing and proposed right-of-way dedications and public and private streets (2 copies). SEE ATTACHED FEE SCHEDULE 7) On or before the next Tuesday following the filing of the entrance feature, the Zoning Administrative Review Section will transmit one copy of the letter of intent, the zoning application and the maintenance agreement, and nine copies of the site plan to the Chairman of the County's Plat Committee. The Chairman, in turn, will distribute copies of the plot use plan to the members of the Plat Committee and will schedule the review of the application for the Plat Committee meeting ten days later. The applicant will be notified of the review and may attend. [In its review, the Plat Committee will consider the following criteria to be of paramount concern:] (1) That the character and scale of the Entrance Feature is of a design such that the feature is complementary to the identified development and compatible with the immediate neighborhood insofar as its overall impact is concerned. That the Entrance Feature is placed so as not to cause a visual obstruction and thereby create a traffic hazard. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com (2) (3) Should the use of illumination be incorporated in the Entrance Feature, that such illumination is placed so as to be unobtrusive to moving traffic lanes, the identified development, or the immediate neighborhood. Should a gatehouse be incorporated in the Entrance Feature, that such gatehouse does not in any way restrict the movement of traffic upon publicly dedicated streets. (4) Ten days after the Plat Committee review of the application, the Chairman will prepare and transmit a report and recommendation, either approving (with or without conditions of approval) or denying the application, to (1) the Director of the Public Works Department & (2) The Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning for review and signature. So signed, the report and recommendation will be transmitted to the Zoning Hearings Section, which will notify the applicant of the decision. If the application is denied: Pursuant to the provisions of §33-311 (c), the applicant may appeal the decision by filing a new Zoning Hearing application with the Zoning Hearings Section to be heard before the appropriate Miami-Dade County Community Zoning Appeals Board. If the application is approved: An official notice will be prepared and delivered to The Miami Daily Business Review for immediate publication and a courtesy notice may be sent to all abutting and adjacent property owners. Pursuant to the provisions of §33-311(c), any property owner in the area may appeal the decision to the appropriate Miami-Dade County Community Zoning Appeals Board by filing an appeal with the Zoning Hearings Section within 15 days after the decision is published in The Miami Daily Business Review. If no appeal is filed within the 15-day period, the maintenance agreement shall be recorded and the approval shall become effective and shall be so recorded on the Official Miami-Dade County Zoning Maps. Upon approval, the applicant may proceed with the filing for appropriate building permits. After final inspections have been approved, the applicant is required to obtain a Certificate of Use for the Entrance Feature from the Zoning Permit Section of the Department of Planning and Zoning. NOTE: Please contact the Fire Department to find out about their additional fees at: 786-331-4542. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ZONING APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL OF ENTRANCE FEATURE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Sec. ______ Twp. ______ Rge. ______ Fee _______________________ FOLIO# 30-______________________ Date Received Stamp This application with all required supplemental data, information and fee must be completed in accordance with the attached "INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING APPLICATION FOR ENTRANCE FEATURE" and returned to the MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING, the Zoning Hearings Section. TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY ALL INFORMATION ON APPLICATION: (1) Applicant ________________________________________________ Phone __________ Mailing Address _____________________ City _________ State _______ Zip _________ Email Address ____________________________________________________________ (2) Owner of Property ________________________________________ Phone __________ Mailing Address _____________________ City _________ State _______ Zip _________ Email Address____________________________________________________________ (3) Contact Person ___________________________________________ Phone __________ Address _

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