700.10V. Questions for Verdict Form (Breach of Contract) | Pdf Doc Docx | Illinois_JI

 Illinois Jury Instructions   Civil   700 Contracts 
700.10V. Questions for Verdict Form (Breach of Contract) | Pdf Doc Docx | Illinois_JI

Last updated: 6/3/2014

700.10V. Questions for Verdict Form (Breach of Contract)

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700.10V Questions for Verdict Form (Breach of Contract) [__.] Did [name of plaintiff] prove [name of defendant] [names of defendants] [was] [were] required to [state relevant contract term] under the contract? ____ Yes ____ No If your answer to question [__] is NO, then your deliberations are complete. You should disregard the remaining numbered questions, and go to Verdict B at the end of this verdict and sign it. If your answer to question [__] is YES, you should then answer question [__]. [__.] Did [name of plaintiff] prove there was no failure of a condition? ____ Yes ____ No If your answer to question [__] is NO, then your deliberations are complete. You should disregard the remaining numbered questions, and go to Verdict B at the end of this verdict and sign it. If your answer to question [__] is YES, you should then answer question [__]. [__.] Did [name of plaintiff] prove [name of defendant] [names of defendants] breached the contract by failing to [state plaintiff's allegations]? ____ Yes ____ No If your answer to question [__] is NO, then your deliberations are complete. You should disregard the remaining numbered questions, and go to Verdict B at the end of this verdict and sign it. If your answer to question [__] is YES, you should then answer question [__].

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