Warrant For The Arrest Of A Witness In A Civil Action {AO 445} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   Federal District   Administrative Office - Civil 
Warrant For The Arrest Of A Witness In A Civil Action {AO 445} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 11/28/2011

Warrant For The Arrest Of A Witness In A Civil Action {AO 445}

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AO 445 (Rev. 11/11), WARRANT FOR THE ARREST OF A WITNESS IN A CIVIL ACTION. This form is used in the United States federal court system to request a warrant for the arrest of a witness who has been subpoenaed to testify in a civil action but has failed to appear. The form is typically used in situations where a subpoenaed witness has ignored or refused to comply with a court order to attend a hearing or deposition. The warrant for arrest of a witness may be issued if the judge finds that there is good cause to believe that the witness will not appear voluntarily or that the witness has failed to comply with a previous court order. The warrant will authorize a law enforcement officer to arrest the witness and bring them before the court to testify. The AO 445 form must be completed by the party requesting the warrant and must include information about the witness, including their name, address, and any other identifying information. The form must also include a statement explaining the reason for the warrant and any other relevant information that may be useful in locating the witness. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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