Last updated: 5/29/2015
Application And Declaration In Support Of Request To Dispense With Notice {CV-66}
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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar Number, Address) Reserved for Clerk's Office Stamp TELEPHONE NO: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FAX NO.(Optional): Southern Division 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063 Central Division 800 No. Humboldt San Mateo, CA 94401 Northern Division 1050 Mission Road So. San Francisco, CA 94080 IN RE THE PETITION OF: CASE NUMBER: APPLICATION AND DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE TO MINOR'S PARENT I, 1. born on, 2. , declare: I am requesting to change the name of my minor child, I am requesting the minor's name be changed to: for the reasons specified in my Petition for Change of Name. I request that the Court not require notice to the minor's other parent as I am unable to locate the other parent. The minor's other parent's name is: 3. at (location): The last time I saw the minor's mother father was on 4. The last time I spoke to the minor's mother's mother father was on (date) 5. The father's current, or last known address, is: 6. The other parent's parent(s) name and address is: Page 1 of 3 Form adopted for Optional Use Local Court Form CV-66 [New March 2009] Application and Declaration In Support Of Request To Dispense with Notice to Minor's Parents www.sanmateocourt.org American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com 7. 8. The last time I spoke to the other parent's parent(s) was on (date) The other parent's sibling(s) is/are (names/addresses): 9. The other parent's friend(s) is/are (names/addresses): 10. The other parent's current employer and employer's address is: 11. There is, or was, a child custody case (case name): In (county): 12. There is, or was, a child support case (case name): Case number: In (county): Case number: 13. The following are the attempts I made to locate the minor's mother/father (Please explain what attempts were made, when, and the results of your attempts): Page 2 of 3 Form adopted for Optional Use Local Court Form CV-66 [New March 2009] Application and Declaration In Support Of Request To Dispense with Notice to Minor's Parents www.sanmateocourt.org American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com 14. Did you try to do an Internet search? YES parent on a Yahoo People Search, or use Google?) 15. If yes, list the results of your attempts: NO (For example, did you look up the other 16. If no, why not? 17. What public records have you checked? (For example, did you attempt to find the minor's mother/father using appropriate city directories, checking records at the Recorder's Office, the Real Property listing, the Superior Court Civil Index, including the Unified Family Court, the Fictitious Business Index, or the Marriage Index.) If so, which records have you checked and what are the results of your inquiry? 18. What else do you think you can do to locate the minor's mother/father? I exercised reasonable diligence and made exhaustive attempts to locate the minor's other parent as required by law. I submit this Application and Declaration as documentation of the diligence I exercised to locate the minor's other parent. Given this, I believe that the minor's other parent cannot be located and I request that I be allowed to dispense with notice to him/her. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: Applicant's Signature Total number of pages including attachments (if any): Page 3 of 3 Form adopted for Optional Use Local Court Form CV-66 [New March 2009] Print Applicant's Name Application and Declaration In Support Of Request To Dispense with Notice to Minor's Parents www.sanmateocourt.org American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com