Last updated: 7/11/2012
Application For Preliminary Plat Subdivision
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Application for PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION The City Planning Commission c/o Department of Planning and Development Review Land Use Administration Division 900 E. Broad Street, Room 511 Richmond, Virginia 23219 http://www.richmondgov.com/ Application is hereby submitted for: (check one) Preliminary Approval (New) Preliminary Approval (Extension) Plat of Correction Subdivision Confirmation Letter Name/Location Name of the Subdivision: __________________________________________ Date: ________________ Property Address: _________________________________________ Tax Map # ___________________ Number of Lots: ____________ Fee: ______________ (check made payable to "City of Richmond") Statistical Summary 1) Total Area: ________________________ 2) Area in Roads: _____________________ 3) Area in Lots:________________________ 4) Area for Public Purpose: ______________ 5) Average Lot Size: ___________________ 6) Minimum Lot Size: _________________ 7) Maximum Lot Size: ________________ (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) (SF) Zoning Current Zoning: _________________ Is this property subject to any previous land use case(s)? Yes No If Yes, please list the Ordinance Number: ______________________________________ Proposed Use Public Utilities Underground Overhead [Existing] Overhead [New]* Single Family Detached Single Family Attached Two Family Attached/Detached Multi-Family Commercial Industrial * A CPC exception request is required. Please attach a written request per Section 94-9 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Drainage Curbs & Gutter Roadside Ditches* Applicant/Contact Person:________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: ______ Zip Code:___________ Telephone: ( ) Fax: (______)__________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Property Owner: _ If Business Entity, title and individual who can sign for the company:_______________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ______ Zip Code:___________ Telephone: ( ) Fax: (______)____________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ The City will send all correspondence to the applicant/contact person. Please check this box if the property owner would also like to receive copies of all correspondence. Property Owner Signature: (Except for subdivision confirmation letters, the names, addresses, telephone numbers and signatures of all owners of the property are required. Please attach additional sheets as needed. If a legal representative signs for a property owner, please attach an executed power of attorney. Faxed or photocopied signatures will not be accepted.) NOTE: Please attach the required plats, checklist, subject parcel information and a check for the application fee. (See Filing Procedures for Subdivisions.) evised: 1/25/2011 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Checklist of Requirements: Preliminary Plat Subdivision In order to expedite the review of the Preliminary Plat, please be sure that all of the following items have been included on the plans. Please return this completed checklist with the Application, to assure that all items have been addressed. Should an item not apply, indicate why you believe it is not necessary in the space provided at the end of the checklist. The design and layout of lots, streets, alleys, easements, and other public improvements within any subdivision shall comply with the design standards contained in Chapter 94 of the City Code. For preliminary plat review, nine (9) paper prints of the plat are required. Preliminary plats must be drawn to scale and submitted on sheets measuring 16" X 24". Plats must show, with dimensions where applicable, all of the information on the Preliminary Plat Checklist: Name of subdivision, preparer of plat, property address, tax map number, owner of record, and developer; Source of Title (Should there be no prior subdivision, provide title back to a deed prior to 1942); Vicinity sketch at scale of 1"=2000', north arrow and scale; Boundaries and bearings of the subdivision and each lot; Acreage & square footage of each of the following: subdivision, lots, roads, reserved areas, and land to be dedicated for common or public purpose; Address, owner, tax map parcel numbers, & zoning of the subject and abutting properties (available at http://map.richmondgov.com/parcel/); Setbacks listed and graphically shown on the plat; All existing and proposed lot lines, easements, streets and alleys (with right of way width noted), drainage ways, storm water retention areas and water bodies; Topography and significant vegetative material; The location and extent of Chesapeake Bay preservation areas; The location and extent of wetland areas; The location and extent of flood plain areas; The subdivision and surveyor's certificates; Existing structures, noting those to be retained and those to be demolished; Existing utilities; Schedule showing minimum, maximum and average lot size and notation of lot widths at setback lines; proposed lot and block numbers; Traffic projections of proposed streets and existing streets abutting the subdivision; Notation of vertical and horizontal datum used; Horizontal blank 2" x 3" box at bottom of plat for approval ; Such other information deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Commission to determine compliance with applicable zoning and subdivision requirements. The following items were not checked and do not apply to this application for the following reasons (continue on the back of the page if more space is needed): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Filing Procedure: Preliminary Plat Subdivision FILING Subdivision applications are filed with the Department of Community Development, Land Use Administration Division, Room 511, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Telephone (804) 646-6304. The applicant, prior to submission, should discuss and review with staff any potential issues relating to the City's Master Plan, zoning and any other land use issues that may be involved. DEADLINES The Planning Commission considers preliminary approval of subdivisions at its regular meetings on the first and third Monda