Praecipe For Writ Of Execution Upon Confesed Judgment | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

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Praecipe For Writ Of Execution Upon Confesed Judgment | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Pennsylvania

Last updated: 7/11/2012

Praecipe For Writ Of Execution Upon Confesed Judgment

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IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA CIVIL DIVISION : : : : : : File No. Amount Due Interest from Atty's Fee** Costs to be added PRAECIPE FOR WRIT OF EXECUTION UPON A CONFESSED JUDGMENT To the Clerk of Judicial Records - Civil Division: Issue a writ of execution upon a judgment entered by confession in the above matter, (1) (2) direct the Sheriff of against (Name of Defendant(s)) county; , defendant(s) and upon the following described property of the defendant(s) (If real property supply six copies of the description) (3) against , garnishee(s) for the following property: American LegalNet, Inc. (4) and enter this writ in the judgment index (a) against and (b) against , as garnishee(s) as a lis pendens against real property of the defendant in name of garnishee as follows: (Specifically described property) , defendant(s) Date: Signature: Print Name: Attorney for: Address: Telephone: Supreme Court ID No. ** Where judgment has been entered under Rule 2951(a), attorneys' fees may be included if they are authorized in the instrument and there has been a record appearance of counsel at any stage of the proceedings. (Rev.2/12) Pa.R.C.P. 2963 American LegalNet, Inc.

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