Last updated: 1/27/2018
Order Regarding Filing Of Pleadings And Directing Joint Administration Of Cases {BTXN 069}
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BTXN 069 (rev. 03/17) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS IN RE: 247 247 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWork BTXN 069 (rev. 03/17) ORDERED that all proofs of claim shall be filed and docketed under the case number representing the estate in which the claim is made, and a creditor of more than one estate shall file and docket a proof of claim in each case to which a claim may be made, and only in the amount which the creditor may make a claim from that estate; and it is further ORDERED that all lists, schedules, statements, and monthly operating reports shall be filed and docketed in the specific member case for which they are applicable; it is further ORDERED that all pleadings, papers, and documents filed in the Lead Case shall bear the caption as show in Exhibit A (attached); it is further ORDERED that if pleadings, papers, or documents have been filed in any of the above captioned cases other than the Lead Case prior to the entry of this Order, and those matters have not yet been heard and decided, the party who filed the pleading, paper, or document shall (i) re-file the pleading, paper, or document in the Lead Case within 3 business days of the entry of this Order, (ii) set the pleading, paper, or document for hearing before the judge assigned to the Lead Case, and (iii) notice the hearing to all appropriate parties; it is further ORDERED that Counsel for Debtors, shall serve a copy of this Order on the United States Trustee, all creditors, persons filing Notices of Appearance, and other parties-in-interest, and shall file a certificate of service with the Clerk of Court after completing service; it is further ORDERED that Counsel for Debtors shall file with the Clerk, in the Lead Case, a master service list of all creditors, persons filing Notices of Appearance, and all parties-in-interest in the jointly administered cases, in the form prescribed by Local Bankruptcy Rule 1007-1; it is further ORDERED that in the event that any of these cases have been assigned to separate judges, all such cases shall be transferred to the judge with the lowest numbered case; and it is further American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com BTXN 069 (rev. 03/17) ORDERED that the Clerk shall file a copy of this order in the Lead Case and each of the member cases. ###End of Order### EXHIBIT A In Re: Debtor(s) 247247247247 247247247 247 Case No.: Jointly Administered Under Case No.: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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