Last updated: 6/11/2010
Multisite Timeshare Plan Filing Statement {BPT 517}
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DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL REGULATION MULTISITE TIMESHARE PLAN FILING STATEMENT This filing statement must accompany each multisite timeshare filing, and must be completed in its entirety. Questions which do not apply must be denoted as "Not Applicable" (N/A). The Division may request that a schematic-type flow chart which discloses the configuration for the multisite timeshare plan, and which further discloses the relationship between the various entities and component-sites affiliated with the plan, accompany this filing statement. A filing fee of $2 per seven days of annual use availability which may be offered as part of the multisite timeshare plan must accompany this statement. If the number of days of annual use availability that may be offered is not evenly divisible by seven, the filing fee shall be prorated by dividing the total number of such days of annual use availability by seven and multiplying the result by the amount of the current fee. If the proposed offering includes units within a phase timeshare plan, only those filing fees which relate to the phase or phases being filed with this statement need accompany this statement. A component site timeshare filing statement (BPR Form 512) must be completed for each component site submitted as part of this multisite filing. Each BPR Form 512 included must be numbered as an exhibit to this multisite timeshare filing statement. The developer understands that: (a) No closing may take place until: (i) Developer receives an approval letter from the Division; (ii) The timeshare plan is complete as defined in Section 721.05(6), F.S.; (iii) The expiration of the purchaser's ten-day (10) cancellation period. (b) Pursuant to section 721.056, F.S., it is the duty of the developer to supervise, manage and control all aspects of the offering of the timeshare plan. FOR DIVISION USE ONLY Developer# Fee Rec'd By Form Review Reviewed by BPR 517 Rev 5/99 Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. (1) Name of Multisite Timeshare Plan: Street Address: City: County: State: Zip: Telephone ______________________________________ (2) 7-Day Annual Use Availability Periods/Plan Duration: Total Out-of-State :________ Added By This Filing:________ Total In-State: ________ Added By This Filing:________ Term of Plan:________Years Plan Terminates: __/__/__ (3) Type of Multisite-Related Timeshare Interest Conveyed: Timeshare Estate ____ Specific Interest ____ Timeshare License ____ Non-Specific ____ Mixed Estates & Licenses ____ (4) Name of Multisite Developer: Street Address: __________________________________ City: ________ State: Zip: _________ Telephone _______________________ (5) Accommodation/Facility Assurance Type (excluding reservation system): (a) Non-Disturbance & Notice To Creditors Instrument ____ (b) Subordination & Notice To Creditors Instrument ____ (c) Irrevocable Trust or Non-Profit Corporation ____ (d) Alternative Assurance ____ (e) Not Applicable ____ (6) Developer's Attorney/Agent*: Street Address: _________________________________ City: State: Zip: ________ Telephone: ______________________ * If the developer does not specify in writing below whom he wishes to receive subsequent correspondence concerning this filing, all correspondence, including deficiency letters will be directed to the person listed in item (6) above. (7) Name of Vacation Club Managing Entity**: Street Address: _________________________________ City: _ State: Zip: _______ Telephone _________________________ **The vacation club managing entity listed here will be held responsible for compliance with Section 721.13, F.S., pursuant to Section 721.56(4), F.S, as to the vacation club. It will also be held responsible for such compliance as to each component site offered as part of the plan for which no different component site managing entity is listed on BPR Form 512. BPR 517 Rev 5/99 Page 2 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. 8) Name of Multisite Sales Escrow Agent: Street Address: ___________________________ City: State: Zip:_____________ Telephone ______________________________ Escrow Depository Name: ____________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________ City: State: Zip:____________ Account Number:________________________ (9) Reservation System Information: (a) Name of Owner(s)/Lessor(s) (indicate interest held): Address: ______________________________________ City: State: Zip: _______ Telephone:______________________ (b) Reservation System Operator Name: Address: _____________________________________ City: State: Zip: _______ Telephone:______________________ (10) Exchange Company Information: Is this timeshare plan participating in or affiliated with an exchange program? Yes____ No____ IF YES, what is the name and address of the exchange company? Name: __________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________ City: State: Zip: ________ Telephone:_________________________ TIMESHARE PLAN FILING CHECKLIST EXEC DRAFT COPY INSTR ENCL ENCL N/A __________________________________________________________________________ Public Offering Statement Text __________________________________________________________________________ Timeshare Instrument ___________________________________________________________________________ Reservation System Rules and Regulations _________________________________________________________________________ Multisite Timeshare Plan Budget __________________________________________________________________________ Component Site Rules and Regulations __________________________________________________________________________ Component Site Affiliation Agreements BPR 517 Rev 5/99 Page 3 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. _________________________________________________________________________ Sales Escrow Agreement ___________________________________________________________________________ Common Expense Escrow Agreement ___________________________________________________________________________ Purchase Agreement __________________________________________________________________________ Receipt for Timeshare Documents and Description of Exhibits Not Delivered ___________________________________________________________________________ Component Site Managing Entity Affidavits ___________________________________________________________________________ Subordination Instrument(s) __________________________________________