Last updated: 11/30/2018
Cost And Indemnification Bond
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IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR KNOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE Plaintiff, v. Docket No. Defendant. TO THE SHERIFF OF KNOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE: COST TO THE JUDGMENT CREDITOR: T.C.A. 247 26-3-117 We, the Judgment Creditor and Surety, who cause an execution to be issued for levy of personal property, shall pay all costs incurred by the Sheriff and/or his Officers for transportation of all the attached property to a storage facility, storage fees, advertisement fees, and any other necessary cost incurred by the Sheriff or his Officers. Judgment Creditor Surety INDEMNITY BOND OF JUDGMENT CREDITOR: T.C.A. 247 26-3-104 We, the Judgment Creditor and Surety, indemnify the Sheriff of Knox County, Tennessee, all his Deputies, and all and every person aiding him in the premises, from all harm, loss, damages, costs, suits, judgments and executions, that may at any time arise or be brought against him, them, or any of them, for the levy or sale and shall pay any judgment that may be obtained against them, or any of them, by virtue of said levy or sale. Judgment Creditor Surety American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com