Last updated: 10/30/2023
Statement Of Proposed Personal Representative
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STATE OF TENNESSEE COUNTY OF KNOX CHANCERY COURT SUBPOENA Case No. TO TESTIFY DUCES TECUM TO TAKE DEPOSITION PLAINTIFF : DEFENDANT : TO: Name: Address: Telephone No. You are hereby commanded to appear at the time, date and place specified for the purpose of giving testimony. You must appea r as directed. Failure to appear may put you in contempt of Court and penalties, monetary as well as incarceration, may b e assessed against you by the Court. In addition, if indicated, you are to bring books, papers , doc uments, or things listed below or on an attached schedule. TIME TO APPEAR : DATE TO APPEAR : ITEMS TO BRING : PLACE TO APPEAR : The failure to serve an objection to this subpoena with twenty - one (21) days after the day of service of the subpoena waives all objections to the subpoena, except the right to seek the reasonable cost for producing books, paper, documents, electronically stored information, or tangible things. Tenn. R. Civ. P. 45.07. This Subpoena is being issued on behalf of: Plaintiff Defendant. DATE ISSUED: HOWARD G. HOGAN, CLERK AND MASTER By: Deputy Clerk RETURN ON SERVICE ; 3, is for witnesses who will 1. I certify that on the date indicated below I served a copy of the subpoena on the witness stated above by: 2. I failed to serve a copy of this subpoena on the witness stated above because: 3. I acknowledge being served with this subpoena on the date indicated below: DATE OF SERVICE: SIGNATURE OF WITNESS, OFFICER OR ATTORNEY American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com