Notice Of Stipulation To Collaborative Law Case And Order {FAM198} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Notice Of Stipulation To Collaborative Law Case And Order {FAM198} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 6/1/2020

Notice Of Stipulation To Collaborative Law Case And Order {FAM198}

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FAM 198, NOTICE OF STIPULATION TO COLLABORATIVE LAW CASE AND ORDER, Notice is hereby given that the parties in the above-entitled action have stipulated that this case shall proceed as a collaborative law case. Proceeding collaboratively is voluntary. To participate both parties must sign and date this notice. The case will be administered as a collaborative law case unless and until a party serves and files a Notice of Termination of Collaborative Law Case and Order (LASC FAM 199). A party may unilaterally terminate the agreement by providing a Notice of Termination of Collaborative Law Case and Order to the opposing party and filing a proof of service of the notice, or alternatively, the parties may file the notice jointly. Pursuant to Local Rule 5.26(f)(4), this case is not subject to the Local Rule 5.12, Family Centered Case Resolution during the collaborative process. However, the Court will set an Order to Show Cause Re: Dismissal/Judgment three years after the commencement of this action pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 583.420(a)(2)(A) unless a judgment has been entered. LASC FAM 198 NEW 05/20, For Mandatory Use. Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) pending Local Rule adoption. Family Code §2013, Code of Civil Procedure §583.410, Local Rules 5.12, 5.26.

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