Order For Reimbursement Of Minors Counsel Fees (Family Law) {FAM016} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Los Angeles   Family Law 
Order For Reimbursement Of Minors Counsel Fees (Family Law) {FAM016} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/19/2019

Order For Reimbursement Of Minors Counsel Fees (Family Law) {FAM016}

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FAM 016, ORDER FOR THE REIMBURSEMENT OF MINOR’S COUNSEL FEES (FAMILY LAW), If you are unable to pay or if there is a change in circumstances, either party may file with the court a noticed motion to request a modification to the monthly payment ordered. The motion shall include a current Income and Expense Declaration. Payment shall be made to Los Angeles Superior Court at the Courthouse Address listed above. To properly credit your account, please write the case number and the name of the party to be credited in the memo section of the check or on a separate attachment note. LASC FAM 016 Rev. 10/18, For Mandatory Use. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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