Motion To Approve Arbitration Agreement In Family Cases {JD-FM-200} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

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Motion To Approve Arbitration Agreement In Family Cases {JD-FM-200} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 8/27/2021

Motion To Approve Arbitration Agreement In Family Cases {JD-FM-200}

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MOTION TO APPROVE ARBITRATION AGREEMENT IN FAMILY CASES JD-FM-200 Rev. 2-17 C.G.S. § 46b-66 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT For Court Use only Instructions Complete this form and attach the agreement to arbitrate which must be signed by both parties and the individual who has agreed to be the arbitrator. MTARBFA *MTRBFA* Return date (Month, day, year) Docket number Judicial District of Plaintiff's name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Defendant's name (Last, First, Middle Initial) At (Town) Plaintiff's address (Number, street, town, state and zip code) Defendant's address (Number, street, town, state and zip code) The Plaintiff Defendant requests that the court approve the attached Agreement to Arbitrate, which does not include issues related to child support, visitation and custody. The arbitrator selected is: whose qualifications are: Certification I certify that a copy of this document was or will immediately be mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on (date) to all attorneys and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self-represented parties of record who received or will immediately be receiving electronic delivery. Name and address of each party and attorney that copy was mailed or delivered to* *If necessary, attach additional sheet or sheets with name and address which the copy was mailed or delivered to. Signed (Signature of filer/Connecticut Attorney) Print or type name of person signing Date signed Telephone number u Mailing address (Number, street, town, state and zip code) Findings And Order (To be completed by the Court) Award to be made by (Date) The Motion Is Granted. The court, having made a thorough inquiry concerning the above motion, is satisfied that all of the following have been shown: (A) each party entered into the Agreement to Arbitrate voluntarily and without coercion; (B) such Agreement is fair and equitable under the circumstances and (C) such Agreement does not include issues related to child support, visitation and custody. THE MOTION IS HEREBY GRANTED and it is ordered that arbitration pursuant to the Agreement may proceed, that the arbitration award made pursuant to the Agreement shall not include issues related to child support, visitation and custody, and that said award shall be made by the date shown above. The Motion Is Denied. The court, having made a thorough inquiry concerning the above motion, is not satisfied that all of the following have been shown: (A) each party entered into the Agreement to Arbitrate voluntarily and without coercion; (B) such Agreement is fair and equitable under the circumstances and (C) such Agreement does not include issues related to child support, visitation and custody. THE MOTION IS HEREBY DENIED. By the Court (Name of Judge) Signed (Judge/Assistant Clerk) Print name of person signing Date of Order ,J. Print Form Reset Form American LegalNet, Inc.

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