Custody Agreement And Parenting Plan {JD-FM-284} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

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Custody Agreement And Parenting Plan {JD-FM-284} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 6/12/2023

Custody Agreement And Parenting Plan {JD-FM-284}

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JD-FM-284 - CUSTODY AGREEMENT AND PARENTING PLAN. This form is used in the state of Connecticut and outlines the agreed-upon arrangements between parents regarding the custody, visitation, and decision-making responsibilities for their child(ren). The form includes sections for various aspects of co-parenting, such as decision-making responsibility, physical custody and parenting time, holiday schedules, summer schedules, transportation arrangements, communication between parents, methods for resolving disputes, and financial responsibilities including child support orders. The form allows parents to specify their agreements and preferences regarding the care and upbringing of their child(ren) and serves as a basis for the court to approve and incorporate the agreed-upon terms into a final court order. C.G.S. § 46b-56.

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