Fiduciarys Acceptance Guardian | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Cuyahoga   Probate   Guardianships 
Fiduciarys Acceptance Guardian | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 10/4/2022

Fiduciarys Acceptance Guardian

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Probate Court of Cuyahoga County, Ohio John J. Donnelly, Presiding Judge John E. Corrigan, Judge IN THE MATTER OF _______________________________________________________ ____ CASE NUMBER:______________________________________ FIDUCIARYS ACCEPTANCE GUARDIAN [R.C. 2111.14] I, the undersigned, hereby accept the duties which are required of me by law, and such additional duties as are ordered by the Court having jurisdiction. AS GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE, I WILL: 1. Make and file an inventory of the real and personal estate of the ward w ithin 3 months after my appointment. 2. Deposit funds which come into my hands in a lawful depository located wi thin this state. 3. Invest surplus funds in a lawful manner. 4. Make and file an account biennially, or as directed by the Court. 5. File a final account within thirty days after the guardianship is termin ated. 6. Inventory any safe deposit box of the ward. 7. Preserve any and all Wills of the Ward as directed by the Court 8. Expend funds only upon written approval of the Court. 9. Make and file a guardians report biennially, or as directed by the C ourt. AS GUARDIAN OF THE PERSON, I WILL: 1. Protect and control the person of my ward when necessary. 2. Provide suitable maintenance and education for my ward as the amount of his estate justifies if the ward is aminor and has no father or mother, or has a father or mother who fails to maintain or educate him/her. 3. Provide such maintenance and education for my ward as the amount of his estate justifies if the ward is a minor and has no father or mother, or has a father or mother who fails to maintain or educate him/her. 4. Make and file a guardians report biennially, or as directed by the C ourt. 5. Obey all orders and judgements of the Court pertaining to the guardiansh ip If I change my address or the wards address, I shall immediately not ify Probate Court in writing. I acknowledge that I amsubject to removal as such fiduciary if I fail to perform such duties, I also acknowledge that I am subject to possible penalties forimproper conversion of the property which I hold as fiduciary. ________________________________________ _____________________________________ Date Fiduciary 15.2 Fiduciarys Acceptance - Guardian 12/99 American LegalNet, Inc.

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