Last updated: 11/8/2010
Subpoena Or Subpoena To Produce {JDF 254}
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Small Claims Court _______________________ County, Colorado Court Address: PLAINTIFF(S): ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________ Phone: Home _______________________ Work ___________________ v. DEFENDANT(S): ____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________ Phone: Home ______________________ Work _____________________ COURT USE ONLY Case Number: ! SUBPOENA OR Division ! SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE Courtroom TO: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are ordered to attend and give testimony in the Small Claims Division of _______________________________________ County Court at (location) ______________________________________________________on (date) _________________, at (time)_____________, as a witness for ______________________________________________________________ in an action between _____________________________________ Plaintiff(s), and __________________________ Defendant(s), and also to produce at this time and place (if applicable): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ now in your control. Dated: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Clerk/Deputy RETURN OF SERVICE State of _________________________________ County _________________________________ I declare under oath that I served this Subpoena or Subpoena To Produce on ______________________________________ in ___________________________________County on (date) _________________________, at (time) ________________, at the following location: _________________________________________________________________________________ and that I tendered witness(es) fees and mileage to ___________________________________________________________ ! by (state manner of service) ___________________________________________________________________________ ! I am over the age of 18 years and am not interested in nor a party to this case. Subscribed and affirmed, or sworn to before me in the County of ________________________, State of ____________________, this _______ day of ________________. 20 ____. My commission expires: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________ Name Date ! Private process server ! Sheriff, ____________________________County Fee $ ______________ Mileage $ _____________ Notary Public JDF 254 R9/01 SUBPOENA OR SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com