Temporary Order And Citation - Enforcement Of Restrictive Covenant On Residential Property {JDF 258} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

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Temporary Order And Citation - Enforcement Of Restrictive Covenant On Residential Property {JDF 258} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Colorado

Last updated: 5/21/2009

Temporary Order And Citation - Enforcement Of Restrictive Covenant On Residential Property {JDF 258}

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Small Claims Court_________________________ County, Colorado Court Address: PLAINTIFF(S): ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________ Phone: Home _______________________ Work ___________________ v. COURT USE ONLY DEFENDANT(S): ____________________________________________ Case Number: Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________ Phone: Home _______________________ Work ___________________ Division Courtroom TEMPORARY ORDER AND CITATION ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY THIS MATTER is heard ex parte. _______________________________________________ appears on behalf of the Plaintiff(s). The Court has examined the claim filed, and has heard the testimony of the Plaintiff(s), and: THE COURT FINDS: 1. The Small Claims Court appears to have subject matter jurisdiction over this action. 2. The Plaintiff(s) is/are a proper party in interest. 3. Defendant(s) owns/possesses the residential property identified in the claim. 4. There is a restrictive covenant of record, which restricts the use of the property. 5. It appears that the Defendant(s) is/are in violation of such covenant by: ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ It appears that there is a substantial likelihood Plaintiff(s) will prevail at trial on the merits of this case. 6. It appears that irreparable harm will accrue to the Plaintiff(s) unless a temporary order issues immediately, relating to initiating or continuing any violation of the covenant. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that immediately upon service of a copy of this TEMPORARY ORDER AND CITATION, the Defendant(s) shall: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE DEFENDANT(S) IS/ARE CITED AND ORDERED TO APPEAR beforethis Court at the address stated above in the caption in Courtroom/Division ______________ on (date) _______________, at (time) ________________, to show cause, if any, why this TEMPORARY ORDER should not be made permanent. If the Defendant(s) fails to appear in Court on the above date and time, the TEMPORARY ORDER shall be made permanent, if the Plaintiff(s) request(s), and a bench warrant may issue for the Defendants arrest. A private process server may serve this order. ANY VIOLATION OF THIS TEMPORARY ORDER MAY CONSTITUTE CONTEMPT OF COURT, WHICH MAY BE PUNISHED BY CONTEMPT, FINES, DAMAGES, ATTORNEY FEES, AND COSTS. BY THE COURT Dated: ______________________________________ ___________________________________________ ! Judge Magistrate JDF 258 R9/01 TEMPORARY ORDER AND CITATION Page 1 of 2 <<<<<<<<<********>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 CERTIFICATE OF PERSONAL SERVICE I served a copy of this form, the answer form, and any attachments by delivering them in _______________________County, State of Colorado, as shown below: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Person Served Address Where Served Date of Service__________________________________________________________________________________________ How Service Was Made and List of any Attachments Served ______________________________________ Process Server Subscribed and affirmed, or sworn to before me in the County of ______________________, State of ________________, this ___________ day of _______________, 20 _______. My commission expires: ________________________ ___________________________________ Notary Public JDF 258 R9/01 TEMPORARY ORDER AND CITATION Page 2 of 2

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