Employee Claim {C-3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

 New York   Workers Compensation 
Employee Claim {C-3} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New York

Last updated: 8/18/2022

Employee Claim {C-3}

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Employee Claim State of New York - Workers' Compensation Board THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD EMPLOYS AND SERVES PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WITHOUT DISCRIMINATIONC-3Number and StreetCityStateZip CodeB.YOUR EMPLOYER(S) 1.Employer when injured: 3.Your work address: 6.List names/addresses of any other employer(s) at the time of your injury/illness:7.Did you lose time from work at the other employment(s) as a result of your injury/illness? No Yes FemaleA.YOUR INFORMATION (Employee) 1.Name: 3.Mailing address: 4.Social Security Number:6.Gender: MaleC.YOUR JOB on the date of the injury or illness 1.What was your job title or description?2.What types of activities did you normally perform at work?3.Was your job? (check one) Full Time Part Time Seasonal Volunteer Other: 4.What was your gross pay (before taxes) per pay period? 5.How often were you paid? Yes6.Did you receive lodging or tips in addition to your pay? If yes, describe: NoD.YOUR INJURY OR ILLNESS 3.Where did the injury/illness happen? (e.g., 1 Main Street, Pottersville, at the front door) If no, why were you at this location? No Yes4.Was this your usual work location?5.What were you doing when you were injured or became ill? (e.g., unloading a truck, typing a report) WCB Case Number (if you know it):Fill out this form to apply for workers' compensation benefits because of a work injuryprint neatly. This form may also be filled out on-line atNumber and Street/PO BoxCityStateZip Code7.Will you need a translator if you have to attend a Board hearing? Yes No If yes, for what language? 6.How did the injury/illness happen? (e.g., I tripped over a pipe and fell on the floor) 7.Explain fully the nature of your injury/illness; list body parts affected (e.g., twisted left ankle and cut to forehead): FirstMILast 5.Your supervisor's name:2.Date of Birth: //5.Phone Number: ()2.Phone Number: ()4.Date you were hired: // 1.Date of injury or date of onset of illness: // AM PM 2.Time of injury: C-3.0 () Page 1 of 2 - - American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com No NoD.YOUR INJURY OR ILLNESS continued If yes, what? No Yes8.Was an object (e.g., forklift, hammer, acid) involved in the injury/illness?9.Was the injury the result of the use or operation of a licensed motor vehicle? If yes, your vehicle employer's vehicle other vehicle License plate number (if known): If your vehicle was involved, give name and address of your motor vehicle insurance carrier: 10.Have you given your employer (or supervisor) notice of injury/illness? in writing orally If yes, notice was given to: 11.Did anyone see your injury happen?If yes, list names: F.MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR THIS INJURY OR ILLNESS None received (skip to question F-5)3.Where did you receive your first off site medical treatment for your injury/illness? none received Doctor's office Emergency Room Clinic/Hospital/Urgent Care Hospital Stay over 24 hours Name and address where you were first treated: 4.Are you still being treated for this injury/illness? Give the name and address of the doctor(s) treating you for this injury/illness: 5. 6.Was the previous injury/illness work related?If yes, were you working for the same employer that you work for now? No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes YesAn individual may sign on behalf of the employee only if he or she is legally authorized to do so and the employee is a minor, mentally incompetent or incapacitated. I am hereby making a claim for benefits under the Workers' Compensation Law. My signature affirms that the information I am providing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Employee's Signature: Print Name: On behalf of Employee: Print Name:If yes, were you treated by a doctor? No Yes If yes, provide the names and addresses of the doctor(s) who treated you and COMPLETE AND FILE FORM C-3.3 TOGETHER WITH THIS FORM: Any person who knowingly and with INTENT TO DEFRAUD presents, causes to be presented, or prepares with knowledge or belief that it will be presented to, or by an insurer, or self-insurer, any information containing any FALSE MATERIAL STATEMENT or conceals any material fact, SHALL BE GUILTY OF A CRIME and subject to substantial FINES AND IMPRISONMENT.YOUR NAME:DATE OF INJURY/ILLNESS: //Date notice given: // limited duty E.RETURN TO WORK1.Did you stop work because of your injury/illness?2.Have you returned to work? regular duty3.If you have returned to work, who are you working for now? Same employer New employer Self employed 4.What is your gross pay (before taxes) per pay period? How often are you paid? No Yes No Yes, on what date? // , skip to Section F.If yes, on what date? //Date: //Date: //1.What was the date of your first treatment? //2.Were you treated on site? Yes NoPhone Number: ()Phone Number: () UnknownFirst MI Last C-3.0 () Page 2 of 2 I certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, that the allegations and other factual matters asserted above have evidentiary support, or are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigations or discovery. Signature of Attorney/Representative (if any): Print Name: Title: ID No., if any: RDate: // If Licensed Representative, License No.:Expiration Date: // American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com www.wcb.C-3.3 () Limited Release of Health Information(HIPAA)State of New York - Workers' Compensation BoardC-3.3WCB Case No. (if you know it):To Claimant: If you received treatment for a previous injury to the same body part or for an illness similar to the one described in your currentClaim, fill out this form. This form allows the health care providers you list below to release health care information about your previous injury/illness to your employer's workers' compensation insurer. The federal HIPAA law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996)says you have a right to get a copy of this form. If you do not understand this form, talk to your legal representative. If you do not have a legalrepresentative, the Advocate for Injured Workers at the Workers' Compensation Board can help you. Call: 800-580-6665.To Health Care Provider: A copy of this HIPAA-compliant release allows you to disclose health information. If you send records to theemployer's workers' compensation insurer in response to this release, also mail copies to the Claimant's legal representative. (If no legalrepresentative is listed below, send copies to the Claimant.) Health care providers who release records must follow New York state law andHIPAA. This release is:Voluntary. Your health care provider(s) must give you the same care,payment terms, and benefits, whether you sign this form or not.Limited. It gives your health care provider(s) permission to release onlythose health records that are related to the previous illness/condition youdescribe below.Temporary. It ends when your current claim for compensation is establishedor disallowed and all appeals are exhausted.Revocable. You can cancel this release at any time. To cancel, send a letterto the health care provider(s) listed on this form. Also, send a copy of yourletter to your employer's workers' compensation insurer and the Workers'Compensation Board. Note: You may not cancel this release with respect tomedical records already provided. For records only. It gives your health care provider(s) listed on this formpermission to send copies of your health care records to your employer'sworkers' compensation insurer. This form does NOT allow your health care provider(s)to release the following types of information:HIV-related information Psychotherapy notes Alcohol/Drug treatmentMental Health treatment (unless you check below)Verbal information (your health care providers maynot discuss your health care information with anyone) Any medical records released will become part of your workers' compensation file and are confidential under the Workers' Compensation Law.A.YOUR INFORMATION (Claimant)1.Name: 2. Social Security Number:--3.Mailing Address: 4.Date of Birth: // 5. Date of the current injury/illness: //6.Current injury/illness, including all body parts injured:7.Your legal representa

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