Volunteer Ambulance Workers Claim For Benefits {VAW-3} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

 New York   Workers Compensation 
Volunteer Ambulance Workers Claim For Benefits {VAW-3} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | New York

Last updated: 7/5/2023

Volunteer Ambulance Workers Claim For Benefits {VAW-3}

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VAW-3 - VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE WORKER'S CLAIM FOR BENEFITS. This form is used for worker's compensation in the state of New York by volunteer ambulance workers who have been injured in the line of duty and are seeking benefits. The form collects information about the worker, the injury, medical care received, and other relevant details. It also provides instructions for completing and filing the claim, as well as information about the rights and entitlements of volunteer ambulance workers. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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