Uniform Counsel Form (Counsel Certification Form) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Massachusetts

 Massachusetts   Statewide   Superior Court 
Uniform Counsel Form (Counsel Certification Form) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Massachusetts

Last updated: 10/5/2023

Uniform Counsel Form (Counsel Certification Form)

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COUNSEL CERTIFICATION FORM Pursuant to SJC RULE 1:18 DOCKET NUMBERCASE NAME: Trial Court of MassachusettsThe Superior Court COURT NAME & ADDRESSVS I hereby certify that in accordance with Rule 5 of the Supreme Judicial Court Uniform Rules on Dispute Resolution (SJC Rule 1:18), I have complied with the requirements of the rule requiring that I provide my clients with information about court- connected dispute resolution services and discuss with them the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of dispute resolution. rev: 01/09/2019County Signature:Dated: Print name: Address: BBO #: I am attorney of record for plaintiff defendant in the above-entitled matter.Clerk of Courts American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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