Last updated: 10/5/2023
Notice Of Hearing Regarding The Release Of Records
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NOTICE OF A HEARING REGARDING THE RELEASE OF RECORDS DOCKET NUMBERCASE NAME: NOTICE TO:Trial Court of MassachusettsThe Superior Court COURT NAME & ADDRESSVS. TO:CountyClerk of Courts third-party subject: keeper of records: name of third-party subject name of keeper of the records addressFor use in criminal, youthful offender, or delinquency cases whenever a defendant seeks pretrial inspection of a third party's records that are likely to be covered by a statutory privilege. Use a separate form for each keeper of records and each third-party subject. address address address city, state, zip code city, state, zip code (third-party subject)The defendant in this case has filed a motion with the Court to be allowed to inspect the records offor the dates fromto(date range)made by (name and professional title of caregiver or other person/entity that created the records, if knownthat are being held by (name and address of keeper of records)01/09/2019 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com At the hearing, the judge will decide if the records are privileged and if they are relevant to the case against the defendant. Under the law, certain records (e.g., psychiatric or other counseling records) may be confidential, or "privileged." The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the judge will order the records to be sent to Court for the defendant's lawyer to inspect. If the judge allows the defendant's motion, the Court will make privileged records available only to defense counsel, pending further order of the Court, except for limited disclosures to support staff and to other attorneys for purpose of consultation as described in the Protective Order that counsel will be required to sign before reviewing the records. If the records are privileged under the law, the Court will assume that you do not wish to give up (waive) any privilege at this time, unless you provide (or have provided) a written waiver before or at the hearing. Your absence from the hearing will not constitute a waiver of any privilege you may have under the law. You have the right to attend the hearing. You can take part in the hearing yourself or you may (but need not) obtain a lawyer to represent you. Victims have the right to talk to the prosecuting attorney before the hearing. THE COURT HAS ORDERED THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TO NOTIFY YOU THAT A HEARING ON THEATTACHED MOTION HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR which is located at: time date in courtroom of thecourthouse,.THE HEARING WILL BE YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE COURT REGARDING THE RELEASE OF THESE RECORDS. Date Signature of Assistant District Attorney/Assistant Attorney General (name of prosecutor or advocate)If you have any questions about this notice, you may contact at at telephone number. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com