Last updated: 2/15/2023
Notice Of Appeal (Code Enforcement) {13-19890-360}
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NOTICE OF APPEAL (CODE ENFORCEMENT) 13-19890-360,Rev. 04-2014 IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1.This form must be filed with the Court within 20 calendar days after the date of mailing of thefinal decision on the administrative review by the local agency. It must be personally deliveredor mailed to the Court, and must be received by the Court, with the required filing fee, within the20 day period.2.A copy of the citation and the Administrative Ruling shall be filed with this form.3.There is a $25.00 fee for filing the Notice of Appeal. The fee must accompany this form. Makechecks or money orders payable to: San Bernardino Superior Court. If your check is returnedunpaid, your appeal may be void and a returned check fee will be charged.4.After filing this form with the Court, a copy must be served by personal delivery or by First Classmail on the local agency.5.The Proof of Service must be completed and returned for filing with the Court at least 5 daysprior to the hearing. I appeal to the Superior Court, as provided by law, from the final decision of the local agency on the Administrative Review of my citation. Citation Number Date ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT (Name, State Bar Number, and address): Telephone No.: Fax No. (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Bar No.: COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREET ADDRESS : MAILING ADDRESS : CITY AND ZIP CODE : BRANCH NAME APPEAL OF (NAME): RESONDENTS : NOTICE OF APPEAL (CODE ENFORCEMENT) CASE NUMBER: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com