Last updated: 2/15/2023
Notice Of Pending Action {SB-0023A}
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NOTICE OF PENDING ACTION SB -0023A, Rev. 11-201 Attorney or Party without Attorney ( Nam e , Address and Telephone number) APPEARING FOR PLAINTIFF DEF E ND A NT IN PRO PER For Court Use Only SUPERIOR COURT OF C A LIFORN I A , C O UNTY OF S A N BER N A R D I N O STREET ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE BRANCH NAME Plaintiff(s): Defe n dant(s): NOT I CE OF PENDI N G A CTI O N CASE NUMBER: TO: RECORDER SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Notice is hereby given that an action concerning real property of affecting the title or the right of possession of real property was filed on (date) between the above named parties. The property affected in the above case is commonly known as the Address: City, State, Zip Code: With a legal description of: (Insert legal description of the real property according to title or county records above) Date: Signature of Party in Pro Per NANCY CS EBERHARDT COURT EXECUTIVE OFFICER By: Verified On: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com