Last updated: 12/29/2010
Application To Reopen Estate And Appoint Fiduciary {457}
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PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED APPLICATION TO REOPEN ESTATE AND APPOINT FIDUCIARY Applicant states that the decedent died on county and that the fiduciary was discharged on and that he/she be qualified as the Newly Discovered Assets: Nature of Asset(s): , his/her estate was administered in this . Applicant asks that the estate be reopened for the following reason(s): Amount of Asset(s): There is a wrongful death or survival action or litigation (in favor of/against) the estate pending in (Specify Court, Case No. and Trial Date): Other Claim(s): Nature of Claim: Other (please provide specifics): [Check one of the following] The decedent's will waives bond or a bond is not required by law. Applicant offers the attached bond in the amount of $ [Check one of the following] Applicant is: Prior fiduciary in the estate The alternate fiduciary named in decedent's Will Sole beneficiary under the Will or sole heir at law A next of kin (if there are additional next of kin with equal right to serve as fiduciary, complete and attach the Surviving Spouse, Children, Next of Kin, Legatees and Devisees (Form 1.0 ) Other: Attorney for Applicant Typed or Printed Name Address Applicant Typed or Printed Name Address Phone Number (include area code) Attorney Registration No. Phone Number (include area code) FORM BC457A APPLICATION TO REOPEN ESTATE AND APPOINT FIDUCIARY 04/09/2010 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED ENTRY GRANTING APPLICATION TO REOPEN ESTATE AND APPOINT FIDUCIARY Upon application to reopen the estate and appoint a fiduciary, the Court finds the same to well taken and hereby orders that the estate be reopened and that of the estate of be (re) appointed as . The Court finds that: Bond is dispensed with by the W ill. Bond is dispensed with by law. The applicant has executed filed an appropriate bond, which is approved by the court. [Check one of the following] The fiduciary shall file a Final Account by The Court orders that a status hearing shall be held on at AM/PM The fiduciary shall file a Status Report within one year of the date of this entry (if opened for wrongful death or litigation proceeding) and each year thereafter until said time as the estate may be closed. Date Probate Judge FORM BC457E ENTRY GRANTING APPLICATION TO REOPEN ESTATE AND APPOINT FIDUCIARY 04/09/2010 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO ESTATE OF CASE NO. , DECEASED ENTRY APPOINTING FIDUCIARY; LETTERS OF AUTHORITY [For Executors and all Administrators] Nam e and Title of Fiduciary On hearing in open court the application of the above fiduciary for authority to adm inister decedent's estate, the Court finds that: Decedent died [check one of the following] dom iciled in [Check one of the following] testate intestate on . Bond is dispensed with by the Will Bond is dispensed with by law , Applicant has executed and filed an appropriate bond, which is approved by the Court; and Applicant is a suitable and com petent person to execute the trust. The Court therefore appoints applicant as such fiduciary, with the power conferred by law to fully adm inister decedent's estate. This entry of appointm ent constitutes the fiduciary's letters of authority. Date Probate Judge CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT AND INCUMBENCY The above docum ent is a true copy of the original kept by m e as custodian of the records of this Court. It constitutes the appointm ent and letters of authority of the nam ed fiduciary, who is qualified and acting in such capacity. Probate Judge/Clerk [Seal] Date FORM 4.5 - ENTRY APPOINTING FIDUCIARY; LETTERS OF AUTHORITY 7/1/77 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com