Fiduciarys Acceptance Executor Administrator {423} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Butler   Probate   Full Administration 
Fiduciarys Acceptance Executor Administrator {423} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 6/5/2007

Fiduciarys Acceptance Executor Administrator {423}

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<document>PROBATE COURT OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIOESTATE OF, DECEASEDCASE NO.FIDUCIARY'S ACCEPTANCE (EXECUTOR -ADMINISTRATOR) [R.C. 2109.02]I, the undersigned, hereby accept the duties which are required of me by law and such additional duties as are ordered by the Court having jurisdiction of the subject matter of the trust, as (Executor/Administrator) Among those duties are: 1.Collecting assets and administering same according to law. 2.Depositing funds which come into his hands in a lawful depository located in this state. 3.Keep estate funds in separate estate accounts at all times during the administration of the estate. 4.Making and filing an inventory and appraisement of such assets within 30 days after appointment, unless the court extends the time for good cause shown. 4.After inventory is filed, if other assets are discovered, filing a report of newly discovered assets within 30 days of such discovery. 5.After three months from appointment proceeding with diligence to pay debts. 6.File all tax documents as required by law. 7.Making and filing an account within 9 months after appointment. If the executor or administrator is the sole legatee or heir, or none of the legatees or heirs is under a legal disability, upon consent of such person, a partial accounting may be waived in which case a final account must be filed within 30 days after administration is completed. I acknowledge that I am subject to removal as such fiduciary if I fail to perform such duties. I also acknowledge that I am subject to possible penalties for improper conversion of the property which I hold as such fiduciary.SignedDate:NOTE: Sec. 2109.02. Every fiduciary, before entering upon the execution of a trust shall receive letters of appointment from a probate court having jurisdiction of the subject matter of the trust.The duties of a fiduciary shall be those required by law, and such additional duties as the court orders. Letters of appointment shall not issue until a fiduciary has executed a written acceptance of his duties, acknowledging that he is subject to removal for failure to perform his duties, and that he is subject to possible penalties for conversion of property he holds as a fiduciary. The written acceptance may be filed with the application for appointment.12/98BCPC FORM 423 -FIDUCIARY'S ACCEPTANCE (EXECUTOR -ADMINISTRATOR)2001 © American LegalNet, Inc.</document>

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