Appearance By Designated Full-Time Employee (Claims Of $1500.00 Or Less) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Indiana

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Appearance By Designated Full-Time Employee (Claims Of $1500.00 Or Less) | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Indiana

Last updated: 7/18/2011

Appearance By Designated Full-Time Employee (Claims Of $1500.00 Or Less)

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DESIGNATED FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE APPEARANCE AND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH SMALL CLAIM RULE 8 STATE OF INDIANA ____________________ SMALL CLAIMS COURT/COURT ______________________________ Plaintiff, v ______________________________ Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. __________________________ APPEARANCE BY DESIGNATED FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE ( CLAIMS OF $1500.00 OR LESS ) 1. Name of Party: ______________________________________________________________ ___ 2. Name of Designated Full-Time Employee: ____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Telephone No. ___________________________________________________________ __ 3. (WILL) (WILL NOT) accept FAX service. FAX Number: _______________________________ 4. Case Type: Small Claim 5. Are there related cases? [ Yes (List Below)] [ No ] Case Number(s): ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. THE UNDERSIGNED DESIGNATED FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE AFFIRMS UNDER THE PENALTIES FOR PERJURY THAT THEY ARE NOT A LAWYER WHO HAS BEEN DISBARRED OR SUSPENDED FROM THE PRACTICE OF LAW IN ANY JURISDICTION. __________________________________________ ( Name of Designated Full-Time Employee ) TCM-SC8-1 Approved by Division of State Court Administration, Feb. 2011 American LegalNet, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Attached is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Corporation, Limited Liability Company or Limited Liability Partnership designating the undersigned as its Designated FullTime Employee to present its claims or defenses in this case. __________________________________________ ( Name of Designated Full-Time Employee ) The undersigned Sole Proprietor or Managing Partner of the Partnership in this case hereby appoints _____________________________________________, a full-time employee, to act as its Designated Full-Time Employee to present its claims or defenses in this case. I hereby certify that: 1. The sole proprietorship or partnership will be bound by any and all agreements relating to the small claims proceedings entered into by the designated employee and will be liable for any and all costs, including those assessed by reason of contempt, levied by a court against the designated employee and 2. By authorizing a designated full-time employee to appear and act on its behalf, the sole proprietorship or partnership waives any present or future claim for damages in this or any other forum associated with the facts and circumstances alleged in the notice of claim in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500.00). Date: _________________________ __________________________________________ ( Name of Sole Proprietor or Managing Partner ) TCM-SC8-1 Approved by Division of State Court Administration, Feb. 2011 American LegalNet, Inc.

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